.. _lib_nrf_cloud_location: .. _lib_nrf_cloud_cell_pos: nRF Cloud location ################## .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The nRF Cloud location library enables applications to submit cellular network and/or nearby Wi-Fi network information to `nRF Cloud`_ over MQTT to obtain device location. This library is an enhancement to the :ref:`lib_nrf_cloud` library. .. note:: To use the nRF Cloud location service, you need an nRF Cloud account, and the device needs to be associated with your account. Configuration ************* Configure the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NRF_CLOUD_LOCATION` Kconfig option to enable or disable the use of this library. Request and process location data ********************************* The :c:func:`nrf_cloud_location_request` function is used to submit network information to the cloud. If specified in the request, nRF Cloud responds with the location data. If the application provided a callback with the request, the library sends the location data to the application's callback. Otherwise, the library sends the location data to the application's :ref:`lib_nrf_cloud` event handler as an :c:enum:`NRF_CLOUD_EVT_RX_DATA_LOCATION` event. The :c:func:`nrf_cloud_location_process` function processes the received location data. The function parses the data and returns the location if it is found. API documentation ***************** | Header file: :file:`include/net/nrf_cloud_location.h`, :file:`include/net/wifi_location_common.h` | Source files: :file:`subsys/net/lib/nrf_cloud/src/` .. doxygengroup:: nrf_cloud_location :project: nrf :members: .. doxygengroup:: wifi_location_common :project: nrf :members: