.. _getting_started: .. _installation: Installation ############ To set up the |NCS|, follow the :ref:`installation instructions ` for your preferred development environment: |VSC| or command line. When you install the |NCS|, you set up the following SDK structure of inter-connected :ref:`ncs_git_intro` repositories that are part of the `nrfconnect GitHub organization`_: .. figure:: ../../../nrf/images/ncs_repo_structure_simplified.svg :alt: The simplified |NCS| repository structure The simplified |NCS| repository structure These repositories include software developed by Nordic Semiconductor and open source projects. Their versions form the SDK's code base and are managed using Zephyr's :ref:`west ` tool. All repositories with the prefix ``sdk`` contain the |NCS| firmware and code. You can read more about repository types and what they include in the :ref:`dm_code_base` section of the documentation. Each repository has a revision, which is determined by the current revision of the main repository `sdk-nrf`_. This repository is the manifest repository, because it contains the SDK's :ref:`west manifest file ` (`see the file in the repository `_) that lists all the SDK's repositories and their revisions (which is also listed on the :ref:`repos_and_revs` page). .. note:: If you want to go through a dedicated training to familiarize yourself with the basic functionalities of the |NCS|, enroll in the `nRF Connect SDK Fundamentals course`_ in the `Nordic Developer Academy`_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Subpages: installation/install_ncs installation/updating installation/recommended_versions