.. _ug_nrf91: Working with nRF91 Series ######################### Zephyr and the |NCS| provide support for developing cellular applications using the following nRF91 Series devices: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - DK or Prototype platform - PCA number - Build target/s - Documentation - Product pages * - :ref:`zephyr:nrf9161dk_nrf9161` - PCA10153 - ``nrf9161dk/nrf9161``, ``nrf9161dk/nrf9161/ns`` - | `Product Specification `_ | `User Guide `_ - | `nRF9161 DK product page`_ | `nRF9161 System in Package (SiP) `_ * - :ref:`zephyr:nrf9160dk_nrf9160` - PCA10090 - ``nrf9160dk/nrf9160``, ``nrf9160dk/nrf9160/ns`` - | `Product Specification `_ | :ref:`Getting started ` | `User Guide `_ - | `nRF9160 DK product page`_ | `nRF9160 System in Package (SiP) `_ * - Thingy91 - PCA20035 - ``thingy91/nrf9160``, ``thingy91/nrf9160/ns`` - | :ref:`Getting started ` | `User Guide `_ - | `Thingy\:91 product page`_ | `nRF9160 System in Package (SiP) `_ The nRF Connect SDK also offers :ref:`samples ` dedicated to these devices. If you want to go through a hands-on online training to familiarize yourself with cellular IoT technologies and development of cellular applications, enroll in the `Cellular IoT Fundamentals course`_ in the `Nordic Developer Academy`_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Subpages: working_with_nrf/nrf91/nrf91_features working_with_nrf/nrf91/nrf9161 working_with_nrf/nrf91/nrf9160 working_with_nrf/nrf91/thingy91 working_with_nrf/nrf91/nrf91_snippet