.. _dm_licenses: Licenses ######## .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 .. licenses_start Licenses are located close to the source files. You can find a :file:`LICENSE` file, containing the details of the license, at the top of every |NCS| repository. Each file included in the repositories also has an `SPDX identifier`_ that mentions this license. .. licenses_end Open-source licenses ******************** If a folder or set of files is open source and included in |NCS| under its own license (for example, any of the Apache or MIT licenses), it will have either its own :file:`LICENSE` file included in the folder or the license information embedded inside the source files themselves. License report ************** You can use the west :ref:`ncs-sbom ` utility to generate a license report. It allows you to generate a report for the |NCS|, built application, or specific files. The tool is highly configurable. It uses several detection methods, such as: * Search based on SPDX tags. * Search license information in files. * The `Scancode-Toolkit`_. Depending on your configuration, the report is generated in HTML or SPDX, or in both formats. See the :ref:`west_sbom` script documentation for more information.