.. _building: .. _gs_modifying: .. _configure_application: Configuring and building an application ####################################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 |application_sample_definition| After you have :ref:`created an application `, you need to build it in order to be able to program it. Just as for creating the application, you can build the application using either the |nRFVSC| or the command line. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: nRF Connect for VS Code For instructions about building with the |nRFVSC|, see `How to build an application`_ in the extension documentation. By default, the extension runs both stages of the CMake build (:ref:`configuration phase and building phase `). If you want to only set up the build configuration without building it, make sure the :guilabel:`Build after generating configuration` is not selected. If you want to build with custom options or scripts, read about `Binding custom tasks to actions`_ in the extension documentation. .. note:: |ncs_oot_sample_note| |output_files_note| .. group-tab:: Command line Complete the following steps to build on the command line: 1. Open a terminal window. #. Go to the specific application directory. For example, if you want to build the :ref:`at_client_sample` sample, run the following command to navigate to its directory: .. code-block:: console cd nrf/samples/cellular/at_client #. Build the application by using the following west command with the *build_target* specified: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight west build -b *build_target* See :ref:`programming_board_names` for more information on the supported boards and build targets. The board targets supported for a given application are always listed in its requirements section. After running the ``west build`` command, the build files can be found in :file:`build/zephyr`. |output_files_note| For more information on the contents of the build directory, see :ref:`zephyr:build-directory-contents` in the Zephyr documentation. For more information on building using the command line, see :ref:`Building ` in the Zephyr documentation. .. note:: |application_sample_long_path_windows| .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Subpages: cmake/index hardware/index kconfig/index advanced_building output_build_files .. |output_files_note| replace:: For more information about files generated as output of the build process, see :ref:`app_build_output_files`.