.. _configuring_devicetree: Configuring devicetree ###################### The |nRFVSC| is the recommended tool for editing :ref:`configure_application_hw`. The extension offers several layers of `Devicetree integration `_, ranging from summarizing devicetree settings in a menu and providing devicetree language support in the editor, to the Devicetree Visual Editor, a GUI tool for editing devicetree files. Follow the steps in `How to create devicetree files`_ and use one of the following options to edit the :file:`.dts`, :file:`.dtsi`, and :file:`.overlay` files: * `Devicetree Visual Editor `_ * `Devicetree language support`_ Like Kconfig fragment files, devicetree files can also be provided as overlays. The devicetree overlay files are named the same as the build target and use the file extension :file:`.overlay`. When they are placed in the :file:`boards` folder and the devicetree overlay file name matches the build target, the build system automatically selects and applies the overlay. To select them manually, see :ref:`cmake_options`. The following guides provide information about configuring specific aspects of hardware support related to devicetree. Read them together with Zephyr's :ref:`zephyr:hardware_support` and :ref:`zephyr:dt-guide` guides, and the official `Devicetree Specification`_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Subpages: pin_control use_gpio_pin_directly