.. _defining_custom_board: Defining custom board ##################### Defining your own board is a very common step in application development, because applications are typically designed to run on boards that are not directly supported by the |NCS|, and are often custom designs not available publicly. Guidelines for custom boards **************************** To define your own board, you can use the following Zephyr guides as reference, since boards are defined in the |NCS| just as they are in Zephyr: * :ref:`custom_board_definition` is a guide to adding your own custom board to the Zephyr build system. * :ref:`board_porting_guide` is a complete guide to porting Zephyr to your own board. Adding a custom board in the |nRFVSC| ************************************* The |nRFVSC| lets you add your own boards to your |NCS| project. Read the `How to work with boards and devices`_ page in the extension documentation for detailed steps. Application porting guides ************************** Some :ref:`applications` in the |NCS| provide detailed guides for adapting the application to custom boards: * :ref:`nrf_desktop` - See :ref:`nrf_desktop_porting_guide` in the application documentation. * :ref:`nrf53_audio_app` - See :ref:`nrf53_audio_app_adapting` in the application documentation. * :ref:`nrf_machine_learning_app` - See :ref:`nrf_machine_learning_app_porting_guide` in the application documentation.