.. _matter_bridge_app: Matter bridge ############# The Matter bridge application can be used to build a :ref:`bridge ` device using the :ref:`Matter ` application layer. The bridge device allows the use of non-Matter devices in a :ref:`Matter fabric ` by exposing them as Matter endpoints. The devices on the non-Matter side of the Matter bridge are called *bridged devices*. The Matter bridge device works as a Matter accessory device, meaning it can be paired and controlled remotely over a Matter network built on top of a low-power 802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6) network. Currently the Matter bridge application supports the following types of *bridged devices*: * Bluetooth® LE peripheral devices - Devices that operate on real data (such as sensor measurements or lighting state). * Simulated devices - Devices that interact with the bridge by using data fabricated programmatically by the software. Note that, in addition to already implemented *bridged devices*, the Matter bridge architecture allows you to add support for other devices that run over diverse connectivity technologies, such as Zigbee or Bluetooth® Mesh. To learn more details about supported *bridged devices*, refer to the :ref:`Bridged device support ` section of Matter bridge application guide. See the subpages for how to use the application and how to extend it. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Subpages: doc/matter_bridge_description doc/extending_bridge