.. _kconfig_regex: Regex tips and tricks ##################### Following are some of the useful JavaScript-based Regex patterns that can be used while searching the configuration options: * ``.*`` - To search for zero or more occurrences of the string that follows the special character combination. * ``\d`` - To search for any digit. Equivalent to ``[0-9]``. For example, ``\d`` or ``[0-9]`` matches ``6`` in ``IPV6``. * ``^...$`` - To search for a string of finite length, starting and ending with definite characters. For example, ``^c....._m...m$`` matches :Kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MODEM`. For more information, see `Regular expression syntax cheatsheet`_. .. _`Regular expression syntax cheatsheet`: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions/Cheatsheet