.. _app_bootloaders: Bootloaders and Device Firmware Updates ####################################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 There are two types of bootloaders used by the |NCS|: * :ref:`Immutable first-stage bootloaders ` that cannot be upgraded through device firmware update (DFU) and run after each reset. * :ref:`Upgradable second-stage bootloaders ` that can perform DFU to both themselves and the application, and are booted by the first-stage bootloader. The bootloaders support two types of updates: * Direct updates, where an in-place substitution of the image takes place. * Background updates, where the updated image is obtained and stored, but the update is completed later on. You can deliver the updated images to the device in two ways: * Wired, where updates are sent through a wired connection, like UART, or delivered by connecting a flash device. * Over-the-air (OTA), where updates are sent through a wireless connection, like Bluetooth® Low Energy. You can use a second-stage bootloader only in combination with a first-stage one. Also, not all bootloaders supported by the |NCS| can be used as either first-stage or second-stage ones. You can find an overview of currently supported bootloaders in the table below: .. _app_bootloaders_support_table: .. list-table:: Bootloaders supported by |NCS| :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Bootloader - Can be first-stage - Can be second-stage - Key type support - Public key revocation - SMP updates - Downgrade protection - Versioning - Update methods (supported by |NCS|) * - :ref:`bootloader` - Yes - No - :ref:`See list ` - :ref:`Yes ` - No - Yes - :ref:`Monotonic (HW) ` - Dual-slot direct-xip * - :doc:`MCUboot ` - Yes - Yes - :doc:`See imgtool ` - No - Yes - Yes - :ref:`Monotonic (HW) `, :ref:`Semantic (SW) ` - Image swap - single primary Dual-slot direct-xip See the following user guides to learn more: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Subpages: bootloader bootloader_adding bootloader_testing bootloader_external_flash bootloader_config fw_update