Networked Lighting Control profiles

Bluetooth® Networked Lighting Control (NLC) profiles are a set of device profiles built on top of the Bluetooth mesh protocol, specified by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) in the Bluetooth NLC profile specifications. The NLC profiles can be used to implement interoperable network controlled lighting setups, including sensors, light fixtures, energy monitoring, scene selectors and dimmer controls. Each of the profiles specifies a set of models and a set of performance parameters.

The nRF Connect SDK provides a demonstration of how to implement each of these profiles as part of the Bluetooth samples. An overview of the NLC profiles and the samples supporting them is provided in a table below.

NLC profile


Ambient Light Sensor NLC Profile

Bluetooth: Mesh sensor

Basic Lightness Controller NLC Profile

Bluetooth: Mesh light fixture

Basic Scene Selector NLC Profile

Bluetooth: Mesh light dimmer and scene selector

Dimming Control NLC Profile

Bluetooth: Mesh light dimmer and scene selector

Energy Monitor NLC Profile

Bluetooth: Mesh light fixture

Occupancy Sensor NLC Profile

Bluetooth: Mesh sensor