.. _index: Welcome to the |NCS|! ##################### The |NCS| is where you begin building low-power wireless applications with Nordic Semiconductor nRF52, nRF53, nRF70, and nRF91 Series devices. The SDK contains optimized cellular IoT (LTE-M and NB-IoT), Bluetooth® Low Energy, Thread, Zigbee, Wi-Fi®, and Bluetooth mesh stacks, a range of applications, samples, and reference implementations, as well as a full suite of drivers for Nordic Semiconductor's devices. The |NCS| includes the Zephyr™ real-time operating system (RTOS), which is built for connected low power products. To access different versions of the |NCS| documentation, use the version drop-down in the top right corner. A "99" at the end of the version number of this documentation indicates continuous updates on the main branch since the previous major.minor release. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents introduction getting_started dev_model app_dev security integrations nrf91 nrf70 nrf53 nrf52 protocols applications samples drivers libraries/index scripts release_notes software_maturity documentation glossary .. templates/cheat_sheet