.. _gs_updating: .. _repo_move: Updating repositories and tools ############################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 After you install the |NCS|, regularly check for updates to repositories and tools. The west tool is updated regularly, like any other :ref:`required Python dependency package `. You might also want to switch to a newer release or check out the latest state of development. However, if you work with a specific release of the |NCS|, you do not need to update your repositories, because the release will not change. For an overview of changes in the latest releases, see :ref:`release_notes`. .. _gs_updating_repos: Updating the repositories ************************* |method_note| Updating in |VSC| ================= The |nRFVSC| lets you update the associated |NCS| repositories within the :guilabel:`Source Control View`. For detailed instructions, see the `west module management`_ page in the extension's documentation. Updating in Toolchain Manager ============================= .. note:: The SDK versions available in Toolchain Manager are for specific releases. Updating the SDK repositories in Toolchain Manager might therefore be required only in exceptional situations. If you installed the |NCS| automatically using the :ref:`Toolchain Manager `, complete the following steps to update the repositories in Toolchain Manager: 1. Open the Toolchain Manager application in nRF Connect for Desktop. #. Click the button with the arrow pointing down next to the installed |NCS| version to expand the drop-down menu with options. .. figure:: ../../../../nrf/getting_started/images/gs-assistant_tm_dropdown.png :alt: The Toolchain Manager dropdown menu for the installed nRF Connect SDK version, cropped The Toolchain Manager dropdown menu options #. In the drop-down menu, click :guilabel:`Update SDK`. Updating from command line ========================== To manage the ``nrf`` repository (the manifest repository) from command line, use Git. To make sure that you have the latest changes, run ``git fetch origin`` to :ref:`fetch the latest code ` from the `sdk-nrf`_ repository. Checking out a branch or tag in the ``nrf`` repository gives you a different version of the manifest file. Running ``west update`` updates the project repositories to the state specified in this manifest file. .. include:: ../../../../nrf/getting_started/installing.rst :start-after: west-error-start :end-before: west-error-end .. _gs_updating_repos_examples: Examples of commands ==================== To switch to release |release| of the |NCS|, enter the following commands in the ``ncs/nrf`` directory: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight git fetch origin git checkout |release| west update To update to a particular revision (SHA), make sure that you have that particular revision locally before you check it out (by running ``git fetch origin``):: git fetch origin git checkout 224bee9055d986fe2677149b8cbda0ff10650a6e west update To switch to the latest state of development, enter the following commands:: git fetch origin git checkout origin/main west update .. note:: Run ``west update`` every time you change or modify the current working branch (for example, when you pull, rebase, or check out a different branch). This will bring the project repositories to the matching revision defined by the manifest file. .. _gs_updating_vsc: Updating |nRFVSC| ***************** |VSC| checks for extension updates and automatically installs them when they are available. After an extension is updated, |VSC| prompts you to reload the application. If you disabled automatic updates: 1. Open the :guilabel:`Extensions` tab and locate the |nRFVSC|. #. The :guilabel:`Update` button appears when an update is available. Click the button to install the update. .. _toolchain_update: Updating toolchain in Toolchain Manager *************************************** If you installed the |NCS| automatically using the :ref:`Toolchain Manager `, complete the following steps to update the toolchain in Toolchain Manager: 1. Open the Toolchain Manager application in nRF Connect for Desktop. #. Click the button with the arrow pointing down next to the installed |NCS| version to expand the drop-down menu with options. .. figure:: ../../../../nrf/getting_started/images/gs-assistant_tm_dropdown.png :alt: The Toolchain Manager dropdown menu for the installed nRF Connect SDK version, cropped The Toolchain Manager dropdown menu options #. In the drop-down menu, click :guilabel:`Update toolchain`. .. _west_update: Updating west from command line ******************************* To update west to the latest available version in the PyPi repository, run the following command in the command window: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Windows .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight pip3 install -U west .. group-tab:: Linux .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight pip3 install --user -U west .. group-tab:: macOS .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight pip3 install -U west .. .. |method_note| replace:: Use the method corresponding to the way you installed the |NCS|, as described in the following sections.