.. _gs_app_tcm: .. _gs_assistant: Installing automatically ######################## .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Complete the steps below to install the |NCS| automatically using the Toolchain Manager application. The application installs the full toolchain for the |NCS|, including the |nRFVSC| and the |NCS| source code. .. rst-class:: numbered-step Install prerequisites ********************* Before you start setting up the toolchain, install available updates for your operating system. See :ref:`gs_recommended_versions` for information on the supported operating systems and Zephyr features. Additionally, make sure you install the Universal version of SEGGER J-Link. This is required for SEGGER J-Link to work correctly with both Intel and ARM assemblies. .. _tcm_setup: .. rst-class:: numbered-step Install Toolchain Manager ************************* Toolchain Manager is available from `nRF Connect for Desktop`_, a cross-platform tool that provides different applications that simplify installing the |NCS|. Both the tool and the application are available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. To install the Toolchain Manager app, complete the following steps: 1. `Download nRF Connect for Desktop`_ for your operating system. #. Install and run the tool on your machine. #. In the **APPS** section, click :guilabel:`Install` next to Toolchain Manager. The app is installed on your machine, and the :guilabel:`Install` button changes to :guilabel:`Open`. .. _gs_app_installing-ncs-tcm: .. rst-class:: numbered-step Install the |NCS| ***************** Complete the following steps to install the |NCS| source code: 1. Open Toolchain Manager in nRF Connect for Desktop. .. figure:: ../../../../nrf/getting_started/images/gs-assistant_tm.png :alt: The Toolchain Manager window The Toolchain Manager window #. Click :guilabel:`SETTINGS` in the navigation bar to specify where you want to install the |NCS|. #. In :guilabel:`SDK ENVIRONMENTS`, click the :guilabel:`Install` button next to the |NCS| version that you want to install. The |NCS| version of your choice is installed on your machine. The :guilabel:`Install` button changes to :guilabel:`Open VS Code`. .. _gs_app_installing_choose_building_method: .. rst-class:: numbered-step Set up the preferred building method ************************************ There are two ways you can build an application: * Using |VSC| and the |nRFVSC| * Using command line |vsc_extension_description| .. _gs_app_installing_choose_building_method_vsc: Installing |nRFVSC| =================== To build on the |nRFVSC|, complete the following steps: #. In Toolchain Manager, click the :guilabel:`Open VS Code` button. A notification appears with a list of missing extensions that you need to install, including those from the `nRF Connect for Visual Studio Code`_ extension pack. #. Click **Install missing extensions**. #. Once the extensions are installed, click **Open VS Code** button again. You can then follow the instructions in :ref:`gs_programming_vsc`. .. _gs_app_installing_choose_building_method_cl: Installing command line requirements ==================================== To build on the command line, complete the following steps: 1. With admin permissions enabled, download and install the `nRF Command Line Tools`_. #. Restart the Toolchain Manager application. #. Click the dropdown menu for the installed nRF Connect SDK version. .. figure:: ../../../../nrf/getting_started/images/gs-assistant_tm_dropdown.png :alt: The Toolchain Manager dropdown menu for the installed nRF Connect SDK version, cropped The Toolchain Manager dropdown menu options #. Select :guilabel:`Open command prompt`. You can then follow the instructions in :ref:`gs_programming_cmd`.