.. _getting_started: Getting started ############### To start working with the |NCS|, :ref:`set up your development environment automatically using nRF Connect for Desktop `. This will install all the :ref:`requirements `, including the |VSC| and the `nRF Connect for Visual Studio Code`_ extension, which is recommended for building applications. .. note:: If you want to go through a dedicated training to familiarize yourself with the basic functionalities of the |NCS|, enroll in the `nRF Connect SDK Fundamentals course`_ in the `Nordic Developer Academy`_. If you have any issues when installing the |NCS| automatically, :ref:`install the nRF Connect SDK toolchain manually `. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Subpages: getting_started/recommended_versions getting_started/assistant getting_started/installing getting_started/programming getting_started/testing getting_started/modifying getting_started/updating