.. _atsamd20_xpro: SAM D20 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit ################################### Overview ******** The SAM D20 Xplained Pro evaluation kit is ideal for evaluation and prototyping with the SAM D20 Cortex®-M0+ processor-based microcontrollers. The kit includes Atmel’s Embedded Debugger (EDBG), which provides a full debug interface without the need for additional hardware. .. image:: ../../../../../../../../../zephyr/boards/arm/atsamd20_xpro/doc/img/atsamd20_xpro.jpg :align: center :alt: ATSAMD20-XPRO Hardware ******** - ATSAMD20J18 ARM Cortex-M0+ processor at 48 MHz - 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator - 256 KiB flash memory and 32 KiB of RAM - One yellow user LED - One mechanical user push button - One reset button - On-board USB based EDBG unit with serial console Supported Features ================== The atsamd20_xpro board configuration supports the following hardware features: +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | Interface | Controller | Driver/Component | +===========+============+==========================================+ | NVIC | on-chip | nested vector interrupt controller | +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | Flash | on-chip | Can be used with LittleFS to store files | +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | SYSTICK | on-chip | systick | +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | WDT | on-chip | Watchdog | +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | GPIO | on-chip | I/O ports | +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | USART | on-chip | Serial ports | +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | SPI | on-chip | Serial Peripheral Interface ports | +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ Other hardware features are not currently supported by Zephyr. The default configuration can be found in the Kconfig :zephyr_file:`boards/arm/atsamd20_xpro/atsamd20_xpro_defconfig`. Connections and IOs =================== The `Microchip website`_ has detailed information about board connections. Download the `SAM D20 Xplained Pro Schematic`_ for more detail. System Clock ============ The SAMD20 MCU is configured to use the 32.768 kHz external oscillator with the on-chip PLL generating the 48 MHz system clock. Serial Port =========== The SAMD20 MCU has 6 SERCOM based USARTs. One of the USARTs (SERCOM3) is connected to the onboard Atmel Embedded Debugger (EDBG). SERCOM4 is available on the EXT1 connector. SPI Port ======== The SAMD20 MCU has 6 SERCOM based SPIs. On the SAM D20 Xplained Pro, SERCOM0 is available on the EXT1 connector. Programming and Debugging ************************* The SAM D20 Xplained Pro comes with a Atmel Embedded Debugger (EDBG). This provides a debug interface to the SAMD20 chip and is supported by OpenOCD. Flashing ======== #. Build the Zephyr kernel and the :ref:`hello_world` sample application: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world :board: atsamd20_xpro :goals: build :compact: #. Connect the SAM D20 Xplained Pro to your host computer using the USB debug port. #. Run your favorite terminal program to listen for output. Under Linux the terminal should be :code:`/dev/ttyACM0`. For example: .. code-block:: console $ minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0 -o The -o option tells minicom not to send the modem initialization string. Connection should be configured as follows: - Speed: 115200 - Data: 8 bits - Parity: None - Stop bits: 1 #. To flash an image: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world :board: atsamd20_xpro :goals: flash :compact: You should see "Hello World! atsamd20_xpro" in your terminal. References ********** .. target-notes:: .. _Microchip website: https://www.microchip.com/DevelopmentTools/ProductDetails.aspx?PartNO=ATSAMD20-XPRO .. _SAM D20 Xplained Pro Schematic: http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/SAMD20-Xplained-Pro_Design-Documentation.zip