.. _nfc_changelog: Changelog ######### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 All notable changes to this project are documented in this file. nRF Connect SDK v2.3.0 ********************** Added ===== * A callback requested by the :c:func:`nfc_platform_cb_request()` function to allow execution of platform-dependent code before executing the user callback. * A header file :file:`nfc_platform.h` for platform layer. Modified ======== * The :c:func:`nfc_platform_setup()` function now provides a pointer to the callback resolution function that is used to execute the user-defined NFC callback. * The :c:func:`nfc_t2t_setup()` function was updated to allow coexistence of the Type 2 Tag and the Type 4 Tag libraries. nRF Connect SDK v2.1.0 ********************** Added ===== * Support for modifying the Frame Delay Min parameter in the :ref:`type_2_tag` and :ref:`type_4_tag` libraries. nRF Connect SDK v2.0.0 ********************** Bug fixes ========= * Fixed the Type 2 Tag initialization, where the return value of the :c:func:`nfc_platform_nfcid1_default_bytes_get()` function was not converted to the local NFC error code resulting in incorrect NFCID1 values. nRF Connect SDK v1.9.0 ********************** Added ===== * A dedicated header file :file:`nrf_nfc_errno.h` with error codes. * A source file that translates nrfx error codes to NFC library error codes. * Definitions for returned error codes in the API documentation. Modified ======== * The library returns specific error codes from the :file:`nrf_nfc_errno.h` file instead of Zephyr error codes. * Removed unit test dependencies from the header files :file:`nfc_t2t_lib.h` and :file:`nrf_t4t_lib.h`. Bug fixes ========= * Fixed the R(NAK) frame handling after sending the R(ACK) frame. The Tag now responds with the last transmitted R(ACK) frame. * Fixed the race condition that occurred when the S(WTX) frame was scheduled and the library tried to send a data chunk. * Fixed a possible memory overwrite in the :ref:`type_4_tag` library when the reader device sends an incorrect APDU Update command. nRF Connect SDK v1.8.0 ********************** No changes in this release. nRF Connect SDK v1.7.0 ********************** Modified ======== * Debug info is removed from the NFC T2T and T4T libraries. * Fixed duplicated initial Frame Waiting Time (FWT) value setting. * Modified the :c:func:`nfc_t2t_done()` and the :c:func:`nfc_t4t_done()` functions to uninitialize the NFCT driver to achieve symmetry in the library behaviour since the :c:func:`nfc_txt_setup()` function initializes the NFCT driver. * Fixed FSDI value setting for RFU value cases. nRF Connect SDK v1.6.0 ********************** No changes in this release. nRF Connect SDK v1.5.0 ********************** No changes in this release. nRF Connect SDK v1.4.0 ********************** Added ===== * Added support for non-secure firmware image to the NFC T2T and NFC T4T libraries. A non-secure image can only be run on nRF devices that support Trusted Execution (for example, nRF5340). * Added Frame Waiting Time (FWT) management logic to the NFC T4T library. FWT is changed now according to the ISO-DEP timing requirements (for example, WTX frame). NFC 0.4.0 ********* Added Type 2 Tag and Type 4 Tag NFC libraries for the nRF5340 device. Both libraries are compiled for the Cortex-M33 CPU in hard and soft float variants. Added ===== * Added the NFC T2T library for the nRF5340 device: ``libnfct2t_nrf53.a``. * Added the NFC T4T library for the nRF5340 device: ``libnfct4t_nrf53.a``. * Added a feature to the NFC T4T library that allows the user to change the NDEF buffer when the NFC stack is already initialized and running. NFC 0.3.0 ********* Fixed minor bugs in the NFC libraries. Modified ======== * Modified the NFC platform module (``nfc_platform_zephyr.c``) to use the Zephyr Clock Controller driver. * Fixed the behavior of the Type 2 Tag library (``libnfct2t_nrf52.a``) when receiving an unsupported WRITE command. NFC 0.2.0 ********* The NFC libraries now use the NFCT driver instead of the NFC HAL modules. The NFCT driver is a part of nrfx repository. Added ===== * Added the NFC platform module to abstract runtime environment specific implementation: * ``nfc_platform_zephyr.c`` Removed ======= * Removed the NFC HAL modules (replaced by the NFCT driver): * ``hal_nfc_t2t.c`` * ``hal_nfc_t4t.c`` NFC 0.1.0 ********* Initial release. Added ===== * Added the following NFC libraries in both soft-float and hard-float builds: * ``libnfct2t_nrf52.a`` * ``libnfct4t_nrf52.a``