.. _tfm_regression_test: TF-M: Regression tests ###################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Use this test sample to run secure and non-secure Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) regression tests. Requirements ************ The tests support the following development kits: .. table-from-rows:: /includes/sample_board_rows.txt :header: heading :rows: nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp_ns, nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns Overview ******** Run both the secure and non-secure TF-M regression tests using the Zephyr build system. The build system will replace the Zephyr application with the non-secure TF-M test application, while the secure tests will be included in the TF-M build itself. The TF-M regression tests are implemented in the tf-m-tests repo: https://git.trustedfirmware.org/TF-M/tf-m-tests.git/. Configuration ************* Tests for both the secure and non-secure area are enabled by default, but can be controlled via the Kconfig options :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_TFM_REGRESSION_S` and :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_TFM_REGRESSION_NS` respectively. |config| Building and running ******************** .. |test path| replace:: :file:`tests/tfm/tfm_regression_test/` .. include:: /includes/build_and_run_test.txt Output ====== .. code-block:: console Non-Secure system starting... #### Execute test suites for the Secure area #### [...] Running Test Suite PS reliability tests (TFM_PS_TEST_3XXX)... > Executing 'TFM_PS_TEST_3001' Description: 'repetitive sets and gets in/from an asset' > Iteration 15 of 15 TEST: TFM_PS_TEST_3001 - PASSED! > Executing 'TFM_PS_TEST_3002' Description: 'repetitive sets, gets and removes' > Iteration 15 of 15 TEST: TFM_PS_TEST_3002 - PASSED! TESTSUITE PASSED! [...] *** Secure test suites summary *** Test suite 'PSA protected storage S interface tests (TFM_PS_TEST_2XXX)' has PASSED Test suite 'PS reliability tests (TFM_PS_TEST_3XXX)' has PASSED Test suite 'PS rollback protection tests (TFM_PS_TEST_4XXX)' has PASSED Test suite 'PSA internal trusted storage S interface tests (TFM_ITS_TEST_2XXX)' has PASSED Test suite 'ITS reliability tests (TFM_ITS_TEST_3XXX)' has PASSED Test suite 'Crypto secure interface tests (TFM_CRYPTO_TEST_5XXX)' has PASSED Test suite 'Initial Attestation Service secure interface tests(TFM_ATTEST_TEST_1XXX)' has PASSED Test suite 'Platform Service Secure interface tests(TFM_PLATFORM_TEST_1XXX)' has PASSED Test suite 'IPC secure interface test (TFM_IPC_TEST_1XXX)' has PASSED *** End of Secure test suites *** #### Execute test suites for the Non-secure area #### [...] Running Test Suite Core non-secure positive tests (TFM_CORE_TEST_1XXX)... > Executing 'TFM_CORE_TEST_1001' Description: 'Test service request from NS thread mode' TEST: TFM_CORE_TEST_1001 - PASSED! > Executing 'TFM_CORE_TEST_1003' Description: 'Test the success of service init' TEST: TFM_CORE_TEST_1003 - PASSED! > Executing 'TFM_CORE_TEST_1007' Description: 'Test secure service buffer accesses' TEST: TFM_CORE_TEST_1007 - PASSED! > Executing 'TFM_CORE_TEST_1008' Description: 'Test secure service to service call' TEST: TFM_CORE_TEST_1008 - PASSED! > Executing 'TFM_CORE_TEST_1010' Description: 'Test secure service to service call with buffer handling' TEST: TFM_CORE_TEST_1010 - PASSED! > Executing 'TFM_CORE_TEST_1015' Description: 'Test service parameter sanitization' TEST: TFM_CORE_TEST_1015 - PASSED! > Executing 'TFM_CORE_TEST_1016' Description: 'Test outvec write' TEST: TFM_CORE_TEST_1016 - PASSED! TESTSUITE PASSED! [...] *** Non-secure test suites summary *** Test suite 'PSA protected storage NS interface tests (TFM_PS_TEST_1XXX)' has PASSED Test suite 'PSA internal trusted storage NS interface tests (TFM_ITS_TEST_1XXX)' has PASSED Test suite 'Crypto non-secure interface test (TFM_CRYPTO_TEST_6XXX)' has PASSED Test suite 'Platform Service Non-Secure interface tests(TFM_PLATFORM_TEST_2XXX)' has PASSED Test suite 'Initial Attestation Service non-secure interface tests(TFM_ATTEST_TEST_2XXX)' has PASSED Test suite 'QCBOR regression test(TFM_QCBOR_TEST_7XXX)' has PASSED Test suite 'T_COSE regression test(TFM_T_COSE_TEST_8XXX)' has PASSED Test suite 'Core non-secure positive tests (TFM_CORE_TEST_1XXX)' has PASSED Test suite 'IPC non-secure interface test (TFM_IPC_TEST_1XXX)' has PASSED *** End of Non-secure test suites ***