.. _lib_gcf_sms_readme: GCF SMS ####### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The GCF SMS Library uses the :ref:`at_custom_cmd_readme` library and adds custom AT commands for the :c:func:`nrf_modem_at_cmd` function to comply with GCF SMS Certification criteria. The library implements the following AT commands: * ``AT+CPMS`` * ``AT+CSMS`` * ``AT+CSCA`` * ``AT+CSCS`` * ``AT+CMGD`` * ``AT+CMSS`` * ``AT+CMMS`` * ``AT+CMGW`` * ``AT+CMGF=0`` Configuration ************* You can enable the GCF SMS Library by setting the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_GCF_SMS` Kconfig option. API documentation ***************** The library does not expose any API of its own. | Source files: :file:`lib/gcf_sms/gcf_sms.c`