.. _mds_readme: Memfault Diagnostic Service (MDS) ################################# .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The Bluetooth® LE GATT Memfault Diagnostic Service is a custom service that forwards diagnostic data collected by firmware through a Bluetooth gateway. The diagnostic data is collected by the `Memfault SDK`_ integrated with the |NCS|. To get started with Memfault integration in |NCS|, see :ref:`ug_memfault`. The MDS is used in the :ref:`peripheral_mds` sample. Service UUID ************ The 128-bit service UUID is **54220000-f6a5-4007-a371-722f4ebd8436**. Characteristics *************** The MDS characteristics are described in detail in the `Memfault Diagnostic GATT Service`_ documentation. The service implementation available in the |NCS| follows these requirements. .. note:: Access restriction to diagnostic data is implemented differently from the one described in the `Memfault Diagnostic GATT Service`_ documentation. See :ref:`mds_readme_access_restriction` for more details. Configuration ************* Set the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_MDS` to enable the service. The following configuration options are available for this module: * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_MDS_MAX_URI_LENGTH` sets the maximum length of the URI to which diagnostic data should be forwarded. The URI contains the device ID. See :ref:`mod_memfault` for more details. * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_MDS_PERM` provides permission to the service characteristic. In the default configuration, it is set to :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_MDS_PERM_RW_ENCRYPT`. This is because the potentially sensitive Memfault project key and diagnostic data are sent through service's characteristics. There is not hard requirement for access restriction to diagnostic data. * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_MDS_PIPELINE_COUNT` sets the maximum number of service notifications that can be queued in the Bluetooth stack. * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_MDS_DATA_POLL_INTERVAL` sets the interval of checking if any diagnostic data is available for sending. See the Kconfig help for details. Implementation details ********************** The implementation uses :c:macro:`BT_GATT_SERVICE_DEFINE` to statically define and register the Memfault Diagnostic GATT service. The service automatically checks if there is data available to be sent with the interval defined by the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_MDS_DATA_POLL_INTERVAL` and sends it using the notification mechanism. No application input is required to send diagnostic data. However, if you pass :c:struct:`bt_mds_cb` to the :c:func:`bt_mds_cb_register` function, the application needs to confirm that the connected client can access the diagnostic data every time the client performs a read or write operation on the service characteristic. Use the :c:func:`bt_mds_cb_register` function to register callbacks the service. .. note:: Call the :c:func:`bt_mds_cb_register` function before enabling Bluetooth stack to ensure a proper access restriction to MDS service data. .. note:: Only one connected client can operate on the MDS characteristic and receive a notification with diagnostic data. .. _mds_readme_access_restriction: Restricting access ****************** The Memfault service characteristics data might contain sensitive data. It is recommended to use the Bluetooth privacy and encrypted link to access the diagnostic data. Enable the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_SMP` option to require encryption for access in the default configuration. It is also highly recommended to implement the :c:func:`access_enable` callback. See :ref:`peripheral_mds` for an implementation example. Bluetooth privacy ----------------- It is recommended to use the Bluetooth Privacy feature when you use this service. To enable privacy, set the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY` option. API documentation ***************** | Header file: :file:`include/mds.h` | Source file: :file:`subsys/bluetooth/services/mds.c` .. doxygengroup:: bt_mds :project: nrf :members: