.. _lib_entropy_cc310: CC310 entropy driver #################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 You can use the CC310 entropy driver (*entropy_cc310*) to generate random data using the Arm CryptoCell CC310 hardware available on the following Nordic SoCs/SiPs: * nRF52840 * nRF5340 * nRF9160 When used with nRF52840, the CC310 entropy driver gathers entropy by using the CC310 hardware through the :ref:`nrf_cc3xx_platform_readme`. When used with nRF5340 or nRF9160, the driver behavior depends on whether it is used in an application with or without Cortex-M Security Extensions (CMSE): * In an application without CMSE the CC310 entropy driver gathers entropy by using the CC310 hardware through the :ref:`nrf_cc3xx_platform_readme`. * In an application with CMSE, the driver gathers entropy through the PSA Crypto APIs exposed by :ref:`Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) `. For more details on CMSE, see :ref:`app_boards_spe_nspe`. API documentation ***************** | Header file: :file:`zephyr/include/drivers/entropy.h` (in the |NCS| project) | Source file: :file:`drivers/entropy/entropy_cc310.c` The entropy_cc3xx driver implements the Zephyr :ref:`zephyr:entropy_api` API.