WSEN-HIDS: Humidity and Temperature Sensor


This sample uses the Zephyr Sensors API driver to periodically read humidity and temperature from the Würth Elektronik WSEN-HIDS humidity & temperature sensor and displays it on the console.

By default, samples are read in polling mode. If desired, the data-ready interrupt of the sensor can be used to trigger reading of samples.


This sample requires a WSEN-HIDS sensor connected via the I2C or SPI interface.


Building and Running

This sample can be configured to support WSEN-HIDS sensors connected via either I2C or SPI. Configuration is done via the devicetree. The devicetree must have an enabled node with compatible = "we,wsen-hids";. See we,wsen-hids for the devicetree binding.

The sample reads from the sensor and outputs sensor data to the console at regular intervals. If you want to test the sensor’s trigger mode, specify the trigger configuration in the prj.conf file and connect the interrupt output from the sensor to your board.

west build -b None samples/sensor/wsen_hids/
west flash

Sample Output

[00:00:00.383,209] <inf> MAIN: HIDS device initialized.
[00:00:00.384,063] <inf> MAIN: Sample #1
[00:00:00.384,063] <inf> MAIN: Humidity: 29.8 %
[00:00:00.384,063] <inf> MAIN: Temperature: 24.9 C
[00:00:02.384,979] <inf> MAIN: Sample #2
[00:00:02.385,009] <inf> MAIN: Humidity: 29.7 %
[00:00:02.385,009] <inf> MAIN: Temperature: 24.9 C

<repeats endlessly every 2 seconds>