.. _dev-model: Development model ################# .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The |NCS| follows a development model that gives users access to both stable releases and new features that are still under development. The |NCS| is an SDK that is openly developed and maintained by Nordic Semiconductor. It is based both on code developed by Nordic Semiconductor engineers and on open-source software projects, which in turn are developed collaboratively by many contributors. Users can continuously track the development progress of the |NCS| and even contribute to it. This includes both the Nordic-specific and the open-source portions of the SDK. Any individual or company can choose to contribute to the |NCS| codebase. Contributions are welcome but entirely optional, as the licenses used by the |NCS| allow for free modification of the source code without a requirement to contribute the changes back. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Subpages: dm_code_base dm_managing_code dm_adding_code dm_ncs_distro