.. _ncs_release_notes_changelog: Changelog for |NCS| v2.2.99-dev3 ################################ .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The most relevant changes that are present on the main branch of the |NCS|, as compared to the latest official release, are tracked in this file. .. note:: This file is a work in progress and might not cover all relevant changes. .. HOWTO When adding a new PR, decide whether it needs an entry in the changelog. If it does, update this page. Add the sections you need, as only a handful of sections is kept when the changelog is cleaned. "Protocols" section serves as a highlight section for all protocol-related changes, including those made to samples, libraries, and so on. Known issues ************ Known issues are only tracked for the latest official release. See `known issues for nRF Connect SDK v2.2.0`_ for the list of issues valid for the latest release. Changelog ********* The following sections provide detailed lists of changes by component. Application development ======================= |no_changes_yet_note| RF Front-End Modules -------------------- |no_changes_yet_note| Build system ------------ * Removed: * Manifest file entry ``mbedtls-nrf`` (:makevar:`ZEPHYR_MBEDTLS_NRF_MODULE_DIR`) checked out at path :file:`mbedtls`. * Manifest file entry ``tfm-mcuboot`` (:makevar:`ZEPHYR_TFM_MCUBOOT_MODULE_DIR`) checked out at path :file:`modules/tee/tfm-mcuboot`. * Updated: * Manifest file entry ``mbedtls`` (:makevar:`ZEPHYR_MBEDTLS_MODULE_DIR`) checked out at path :file:`modules/crypto/mbedtls` now points to |NCS|'s fork of MbedTLS instead of Zephyr's fork. Protocols ========= This section provides detailed lists of changes by :ref:`protocol `. See `Samples`_ for lists of changes for the protocol-related samples. Bluetooth LE ------------ |no_changes_yet_note| Bluetooth mesh -------------- |no_changes_yet_note| Matter ------ * Added: * Support for Wi-Fi Network Diagnostic Cluster (which counts the number of packets received and transmitted on the Wi-Fi interface). * Default support for nRF7002 revision B. * Specific QR code and onboarding information in the documentation for each :ref:`Matter sample ` and the :ref:`Matter weather station `. * The Bluetooth LE advertising arbiter class that enables easier coexistence of application components that want to advertise their Bluetooth LE services. * Support for erasing settings partition during DFU over Bluetooth LE SMP for the Nordic nRF52 Series' SoCs. * Enabled Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE coexistence. * Updated: * The default heap implementation to use Zephyr's ``sys_heap`` (:kconfig:option:`CONFIG_CHIP_MALLOC_SYS_HEAP`) to better control the RAM usage of Matter applications. * :ref:`ug_matter_device_certification` page with a section about certification document templates. * :ref:`ug_matter_overview_commissioning` page with information about :ref:`ug_matter_network_topologies_commissioning_onboarding_formats`. * Default retry intervals used by Matter Reliability Protocol for Matter over Thread to account for longer round-trip times in Thread networks with multiple intermediate nodes. * The Bluetooth LE connection timeout parameters and the update timeout parameters to make communication over Bluetooth LE more reliable. * Fixed the issue of connection timing out when attaching to a Wi-Fi access point that requires Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 (WPA3). See `Matter samples`_ for the list of changes for the Matter samples. Matter fork +++++++++++ The Matter fork in the |NCS| (``sdk-connectedhomeip``) contains all commits from the upstream Matter repository up to, and including, the ```` tag. The following list summarizes the most important changes inherited from the upstream Matter: * Added: * The initial implementation of Matter's cryptographic operations based on PSA crypto API. * Build-time generation of some Zigbee Cluster Library (ZCL) source files using the :file:`codegen.py` Python script. * An alternative factory reset implementation that erases the entire non-volatile storage flash partition. * Updated: * Basic cluster has been renamed to Basic Information cluster to match the specification. Thread ------ |no_changes_yet_note| See `Thread samples`_ for the list of changes for the Thread samples. Zigbee ------ |no_changes_yet_note| See `Zigbee samples`_ for the list of changes for the Zigbee samples. Enhanced ShockBurst (ESB) ------------------------- * Added support for front-end modules. The ESB module requires linking the :ref:`MPSL library `. * Updated: * Number of PPI/DPPI channels used from three to six. * Events 6 and 7 from the EGU0 instance by assigning them to the ESB module. * The type parameter of the function :c:func:`esb_set_tx_power` to ``int8_t``. nRF IEEE 802.15.4 radio driver ------------------------------ |no_changes_yet_note| Wi-Fi ----- * Added: * New sample :ref:`wifi_sr_coex_sample` demonstrating Wi-Fi Bluetooth LE coexistence. * :ref:`ug_wifi` document. Applications ============ This section provides detailed lists of changes by :ref:`application `. nRF9160: Asset Tracker v2 ------------------------- * Added: * Wi-Fi support for nRF9160 DK + nRF7002 EK configuration. * Updated: * Replaced deprecated LwM2M API calls with calls to new functions. nRF9160: Serial LTE modem ------------------------- * Added: * RFC1350 TFTP client, currently supporting only *READ REQUEST*. * AT command ``#XSHUTDOWN`` to put nRF9160 SiP to System Off mode. * Support of nRF Cloud C2D appId ``MODEM`` and ``DEVICE``. * Updated: * The response for the ``#XDFUGET`` command, using unsolicited notification to report download progress. nRF5340 Audio ------------- * Added: * Support for Front End Module nRF21540. * Possibility to create a Public Broadcast Announcement (PBA) needed for Auracast. * Encryption for BISes. * Updated: * Power module has been re-factored so that it uses upstream Zephyr INA23X sensor driver. * BIS headsets can now switch between two broadcast sources (two hardcoded broadcast names). * :ref:`nrf53_audio_app_ui` and :ref:`nrf53_audio_app_testing_steps_cis` sections in the application documentation with information about using **VOL** buttons to switch headset channels. * :ref:`nrf53_audio_app_requirements` section in the application documentation by moving the information about the nRF5340 Audio DK to `Nordic Semiconductor Infocenter`_, under `nRF5340 Audio DK Hardware`_. nRF Machine Learning (Edge Impulse) ----------------------------------- * Removed the usage of ``ml_runner_signin_event`` from the application. nRF Desktop ----------- * Added: * An application log indicating that the value of a configuration option has been updated in the :ref:`nrf_desktop_motion`. * Application-specific Kconfig options :ref:`CONFIG_DESKTOP_LOG ` and :ref:`CONFIG_DESKTOP_SHELL ` to simplify the debug configurations for the Logging and Shell subsystems. See the debug configuration section of the :ref:`nrf_desktop` application for more details. * Updated: * Implemented the following adjustments to avoid flooding logs: * Set the max compiled-in log level to ``warning`` for the Non-Volatile Storage (:kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NVS_LOG_LEVEL`). * Lowered a log level to ``debug`` for the ``Identity x created`` log in the :ref:`nrf_desktop_ble_bond`. * Removed separate configurations enabling :ref:`zephyr:shell_api` (:file:`prj_shell.conf`). Shell support can be enabled for a given configuration with the single Kconfig option (:ref:`CONFIG_DESKTOP_SHELL `). * By default, nRF Desktop dongles use the Bluetooth appearance (:kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_DEVICE_APPEARANCE)` of keyboard. The new default configuration value improves consistency with the used HID boot interface. Samples ======= Bluetooth samples ----------------- * :ref:`peripheral_uart` sample: * Fixed a possible memory leak in the :c:func:`uart_init` function. * :ref:`peripheral_hids_keyboard` sample: * Fixed a possible out-of-bounds memory access issue in the :c:func:`hid_kbd_state_key_set` and :c:func:`hid_kbd_state_key_clear` functions. * :ref:`ble_nrf_dm` sample: * Added support for high-precision distance estimate using more compute-intensive algorithms. * Updated: * Documentation by adding energy consumption information. * Documentation by adding a section about distance offset calibration. * :ref:`peripheral_nfc_pairing` and :ref:`central_nfc_pairing` samples: * Fixed OOB pairing between these samples. Bluetooth mesh samples ---------------------- * :ref:`bluetooth_ble_peripheral_lbs_coex` sample: * Updated: * Enabled :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SOC_FLASH_NRF_PARTIAL_ERASE` configuration option. * :ref:`bt_mesh_chat` sample: * Updated: * Enabled :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SOC_FLASH_NRF_PARTIAL_ERASE` configuration option. * :ref:`bluetooth_mesh_light` sample: * Updated: * Enabled :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SOC_FLASH_NRF_PARTIAL_ERASE` configuration option. * :ref:`bluetooth_mesh_light_switch` sample: * Updated: * Enabled :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SOC_FLASH_NRF_PARTIAL_ERASE` configuration option. * :ref:`bluetooth_mesh_sensor_client` sample: * Updated: * Enabled :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SOC_FLASH_NRF_PARTIAL_ERASE` configuration option. * :ref:`bluetooth_mesh_sensor_server` sample: * Updated: * Enabled :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SOC_FLASH_NRF_PARTIAL_ERASE` configuration option. * :ref:`bluetooth_mesh_light_lc` sample: * Updated: * Enabled :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SOC_FLASH_NRF_PARTIAL_ERASE` configuration option. nRF9160 samples --------------- * :ref:`modem_shell_application` sample: * Added: * External location service handling to test :ref:`lib_location` library functionality commonly used by applications. The :ref:`lib_nrf_cloud` library is used with MQTT for location requests to the cloud. * New command ``th pipeline`` for executing several MoSh commands sequentially in one thread. * New command ``sleep`` for introducing wait periods in between commands when using ``th pipeline``. * Updated: * Timeout command-line arguments for the ``location get`` command changed from integers in milliseconds to floating-point values in seconds. * Replaced deprecated LwM2M API calls with calls to new functions. * :ref:`nrf_cloud_rest_cell_pos_sample` sample: * Added the usage of GCI search option if running modem firmware v1.3.4. * Updated the sample, so that it waits for RRC idle mode before requesting neighbor cell measurements. * :ref:`lwm2m_client` sample: * Added: * Support for nRF7002 EK shield and Wi-Fi based location. * Location events and event handlers. * Updated: * The sensor module has been simplified. It does not use application events, filtering, or configurable periods anymore. * Replaced deprecated LwM2M API calls with calls to new functions. * :ref:`http_application_update_sample` sample: * Added support for the :ref:`liblwm2m_carrier_readme` library. * Removed: * Multicell location sample because of the deprecation of the Multicell location library. Relevant functionality is available through the :ref:`lib_location` library. * :ref:`nrf_cloud_mqtt_multi_service` sample: * Added: * MCUboot child image files to properly access external flash on newer nRF9160DK versions. * An :file:`overlay_mcuboot_ext_flash.conf` file to enable MCUboot use of external flash. Peripheral samples ------------------ * :ref:`radio_test` sample: * Added support for the nRF7002 board. * Fixed sample building with support for the Skyworks front-end module. * Updated the documentation to clarify that this sample is dedicated for the short-range radio (Bluetooth LE, IEEE 802.15.4, and proprietary modes). Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) samples --------------------------------- |no_changes_yet_note| Thread samples -------------- * Added: * :file:`overlay-low_power.conf` and :file:`low_power.overlay` to the CLI sample to facilitate power consumption measurements. * Updated: * Overlay structure: * :file:`overlay-rtt.conf` removed from all samples. * :file:`overlay-log.conf` now uses RTT backend by default. * Logs removed from default configuration (moved to :file:`overlay-logging.conf`). * Asserts removed from default configuration (moved to :file:`overlay-debug.conf`). Matter samples -------------- * Enabled Matter shell commands for all build types except ``release`` in all Matter samples. * :ref:`matter_lock_sample` sample: * Added: * ``thread_wifi_switched`` build type that enables switching between Thread and Wi-Fi network support in the field. * Wi-Fi low power configuration using Wi-Fi's :ref:`Legacy Power Save mode `. * :ref:`matter_light_switch_sample`: * Added Wi-Fi low power configuration using Wi-Fi's :ref:`Legacy Power Save mode `. NFC samples ----------- * Fixed an issue where NFC samples that use the NFC Reader feature returned false error code with value ``1`` during the NFC T4T operation. |no_changes_yet_note| nRF5340 samples --------------- |no_changes_yet_note| Gazell samples -------------- |no_changes_yet_note| Zigbee samples -------------- |no_changes_yet_note| Wi-Fi samples ------------- * Added: * :ref:`wifi_sr_coex_sample` sample demonstrating Wi-Fi Bluetooth LE coexistence. Other samples ------------- * :ref:`esb_prx_ptx` sample: * Added support for front-end modules and :ref:`zephyr:nrf21540dk_nrf52840`. Drivers ======= This section provides detailed lists of changes by :ref:`driver `. * :ref:`pmw3360`: * Updated by reducing log verbosity. * :ref:`paw3212`: * Updated by reducing log verbosity. Libraries ========= This section provides detailed lists of changes by :ref:`library `. Binary libraries ---------------- |no_changes_yet_note| Bluetooth libraries and services -------------------------------- * :ref:`mds_readme` library: * Fixed URI generation in the :c:func:`data_uri_read` function. * :ref:`ble_rpc` library: * Fixed a possible memory leak in the :c:func:`bt_gatt_indicate_rpc_handler` function. * :ref:`bt_le_adv_prov_readme` library: * Changed the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_ADV_PROV_FAST_PAIR_BATTERY_DATA_MODE` Kconfig option (default value) to not include Fast Pair battery data in the Fast Pair advertising payload by default. Bootloader libraries -------------------- |no_changes_yet_note| Modem libraries --------------- * :ref:`lib_location` library: * Added: * Support for the application to send the Wi-Fi access point list to the cloud. * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LOCATION_SERVICE_EXTERNAL` Kconfig option that replaces the following configurations: * ``CONFIG_LOCATION_METHOD_GNSS_AGPS_EXTERNAL`` * ``CONFIG_LOCATION_METHOD_GNSS_PGPS_EXTERNAL`` * ``CONFIG_LOCATION_METHOD_CELLULAR_EXTERNAL`` The new configuration also handles Wi-Fi positioning. * Introduced several new Kconfig options for default location request configurations, including default method priority configuration. These new Kconfig options are applied when :c:func:`location_config_defaults_set` function is called. * Updated: * Use of :ref:`lib_multicell_location` library has been removed because the library is deprecated. Relevant functionality from the library is moved to this library. The following features were not moved: * Definition of HTTPS port for HERE service, that is :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MULTICELL_LOCATION_HERE_HTTPS_PORT`. * HERE v1 API. * nRF Cloud CA certificate handling. * Improved GNSS assistance data need handling. * GNSS filtered ephemerides are no longer used when the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NRF_CLOUD_AGPS_FILTERED_RUNTIME` Kconfig option is enabled. * Renamed: * ``enum location_cellular_ext_result`` to ``enum location_ext_result``, because Wi-Fi will use the same enumeration. * ``CONFIG_LOCATION_METHOD_WIFI_SERVICE_NRF_CLOUD`` to :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LOCATION_SERVICE_NRF_CLOUD`. * ``CONFIG_LOCATION_METHOD_WIFI_SERVICE_HERE`` to :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LOCATION_SERVICE_HERE`. * ``CONFIG_LOCATION_METHOD_WIFI_SERVICE_HERE_API_KEY`` to :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LOCATION_SERVICE_HERE_API_KEY`. * ``CONFIG_LOCATION_METHOD_WIFI_SERVICE_HERE_HOSTNAME`` to :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LOCATION_SERVICE_HERE_HOSTNAME`. * ``CONFIG_LOCATION_METHOD_WIFI_SERVICE_HERE_TLS_SEC_TAG`` to :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LOCATION_SERVICE_HERE_TLS_SEC_TAG`. * Fixed an issue causing the A-GPS data download to be delayed until the RRC connection release. Libraries for networking ------------------------ * Added :ref:`lib_mqtt_helper` library that simplifies Zephyr MQTT API and socket handling. * :ref:`lib_azure_iot_hub` library: * Pulled out the :file:`azure_iot_hub_mqtt.c` file that is now implemented by a new library :ref:`lib_mqtt_helper`. * :ref:`lib_multicell_location` library: * This library is now deprecated and relevant functionality is available through the :ref:`lib_location` library. * :ref:`lib_fota_download` library: * Fixed: * An issue where the :c:func:`download_client_callback` function was continuing to read the offset value even if :c:func:`dfu_target_offset_get` returned an error. * An issue where the cleanup of the downloading state was not happening when an error event was raised. * :ref:`lib_nrf_cloud` library: * Updated: * The MQTT disconnect event is now handled by the FOTA module, allowing for updates to be completed while disconnected and reported properly when reconnected. * GCI search results are now encoded in location requests. * The neighbor cell's time difference value is now encoded in location requests. * Fixed: * An issue where the same buffer was incorrectly shared between caching a P-GPS prediction and loading a new one, when external flash was used. * An issue where external flash only worked if the P-GPS partition was located at address 0. * :ref:`lib_lwm2m_location_assistance` library: * Added: * Support for Wi-Fi based location through LwM2M. * API for scanning Wi-Fi access points. * Removed location events and event handlers. Libraries for NFC ----------------- * Added: * The possibility of moving an NFC callback to a thread context. * Support for zero-latency interrupts for NFC. * Updated by aligning the :file:`ncs/nrf/subsys/nfc/lib/platform.c` file with new library implementation. * :ref:`nfc_ndef_ch_rec_parser_readme` library: * Fixed a bug where the AC Record Parser was not functional and returned invalid results. Other libraries --------------- * :ref:`lib_contin_array` library: * Updated by separating the library from the :ref:`nrf53_audio_app` application and moving it to :file:`lib/contin_array`. Updated code and documentation accordingly. * :ref:`lib_pcm_stream_channel_modifier` library: * Updated by separating the library from the :ref:`nrf53_audio_app` application and moving it to :file:`lib/pcm_stream_channel_modifier`. Updated code and documentation accordingly. * :ref:`lib_data_fifo` library: * Updated by separating the library from the :ref:`nrf53_audio_app` application and moving it to :file:`lib/data_fifo`. Updated code and documentation accordingly. * :ref:`QoS` library: * Updated by removing the ``QOS_MESSAGE_TYPES_REGISTER`` macro. * Secure Partition Manager (SPM): * Removed Secure Partition Manager (SPM) and the Kconfig option ``CONFIG_SPM``. It is replaced by the Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) as the supported trusted execution solution. See :ref:`Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) ` for more information about the TF-M. * :ref:`lib_pcm_mix` library: * New library. This was previously a component of the :ref:`nrf53_audio_app` application, now moved to :file:`lib/pcm_mix`. Common Application Framework (CAF) ---------------------------------- * :ref:`caf_overview_events`: * Added: * A macro intended to set the size of events member enums to 32 bits when the Event Manager Proxy is enabled. Applied macro to all affected CAF events. * Updated: * Inter-core compatibility has been improved. * :ref:`caf_sensor_data_aggregator`: * Updated: * :c:struct:`sensor_data_aggregator_event` now uses the :c:struct:`sensor_value` struct data buffer and carries a number of sensor values in a single sample, which is sufficient to describe data layout. * :ref:`caf_sensor_manager`: * Updated by cleaning up :file:`sensor_event.h` and :file:`sensor_manager.h` files. Moved unrelated declarations to a separate :file:`caf_sensor_common.h` file. Shell libraries --------------- |no_changes_yet_note| Libraries for Zigbee -------------------- |no_changes_yet_note| sdk-nrfxlib ----------- See the changelog for each library in the :doc:`nrfxlib documentation ` for additional information. DFU libraries ------------- |no_changes_yet_note| Scripts ======= This section provides detailed lists of changes by :ref:`script `. * :ref:`west_sbom`: * Updated so that the output contains source repository and version information for each file. MCUboot ======= The MCUboot fork in |NCS| (``sdk-mcuboot``) contains all commits from the upstream MCUboot repository up to and including ``cfec947e0f8be686d02c73104a3b1ad0b5dcf1e6``, with some |NCS| specific additions. The code for integrating MCUboot into |NCS| is located in the :file:`ncs/nrf/modules/mcuboot` folder. The following list summarizes both the main changes inherited from upstream MCUboot and the main changes applied to the |NCS| specific additions: * Added an option to prevent inclusion of default nRF5340 network core DFU image hook, which allows a custom implementation by users if the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BOOT_IMAGE_ACCESS_HOOK_NRF5340` Kconfig option is disabled (enabled by default). CMake can be used to add additional hook files. See :file:`modules/mcuboot/hooks/CMakeLists.txt` for an example of how to achieve this. Zephyr ====== .. NOTE TO MAINTAINERS: All the Zephyr commits in the below git commands must be handled specially after each upmerge and each nRF Connect SDK release. The Zephyr fork in |NCS| (``sdk-zephyr``) contains all commits from the upstream Zephyr repository up to and including ``e1e06d05fa8d1b6ac1b0dffb1712e94e308861f8``, with some |NCS| specific additions. For the list of upstream Zephyr commits (not including cherry-picked commits) incorporated into nRF Connect SDK since the most recent release, run the following command from the :file:`ncs/zephyr` repository (after running ``west update``): .. code-block:: none git log --oneline cd16a8388f ^71ef669ea4 For the list of |NCS| specific commits, including commits cherry-picked from upstream, run: .. code-block:: none git log --oneline manifest-rev ^cd16a8388f The current |NCS| main branch is based on revision ``cd16a8388f`` of Zephyr. Additions specific to |NCS| --------------------------- |no_changes_yet_note| zcbor ===== |no_changes_yet_note| Trusted Firmware-M ================== |no_changes_yet_note| cJSON ===== |no_changes_yet_note| Documentation ============= * Added: * Documentation template for the :ref:`Ecosystem integration ` user guides. * The :ref:`ug_nrf70_developing` user guide. * A page on :ref:`ug_nrf70_features`. * Updated: * The :ref:`software_maturity` page with details about Wi-Fi feature support. * The :ref:`app_power_opt` user guide by adding a section about power saving features. .. |no_changes_yet_note| replace:: No changes since the latest |NCS| release.