.. _nrf_desktop_main: Basic module (main) ################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The main module is the entry point of the nRF Desktop application. Module events ************* The module does not register itself as an :ref:`app_event_manager` listener. The module only submits the ``module_state_event`` to inform the other modules that they can continue the application startup. +-------------------+---------------+-------------+------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Source Module | Input Event | This Module | Output Event | Sink Module | +===================+===============+=============+========================+=============================================+ | - | - | ``main`` | ``module_state_event`` | :ref:`nrf_desktop_module_state_event_sinks` | +-------------------+---------------+-------------+------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ .. note:: |nrf_desktop_module_event_note| Configuration ************* The module has no configuration options. Implementation details ********************** The :ref:`nrf_desktop_main` initializes the :ref:`app_event_manager` and then submits the ``module_state_event`` to inform the other modules that they can continue the application startup.