.. _toolchain_designware_arc_mwdt: DesignWare ARC MetaWare Development Toolkit (MWDT) ################################################## #. You need to have `ARC MWDT `_ installed on your host. #. :ref:`Set these environment variables `: - Set :envvar:`ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT` to ``arcmwdt``. - Set :envvar:`ARCMWDT_TOOLCHAIN_PATH` to the toolchain installation directory. MWDT installation provides :envvar:`METAWARE_ROOT` so simply set :envvar:`ARCMWDT_TOOLCHAIN_PATH` to ``$METAWARE_ROOT/../`` (Linux) or ``%METAWARE_ROOT%\..\`` (Windows) #. To check that you have set these variables correctly in your current environment, follow these example shell sessions (the :envvar:`ARCMWDT_TOOLCHAIN_PATH` values may be different on your system): .. code-block:: console # Linux: $ echo $ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT arcmwdt $ echo $ARCMWDT_TOOLCHAIN_PATH /home/you/ARC/MWDT_2019.12/ # Windows: > echo %ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT% arcmwdt > echo %ARCMWDT_TOOLCHAIN_PATH% C:\ARC\MWDT_2019.12\