.. _bt_gatt: Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) ################################ GATT layer manages the service database providing APIs for service registration and attribute declaration. Services can be registered using :c:func:`bt_gatt_service_register` API which takes the :c:struct:`bt_gatt_service` struct that provides the list of attributes the service contains. The helper macro :c:macro:`BT_GATT_SERVICE()` can be used to declare a service. Attributes can be declared using the :c:struct:`bt_gatt_attr` struct or using one of the helper macros: :c:macro:`BT_GATT_PRIMARY_SERVICE` Declares a Primary Service. :c:macro:`BT_GATT_SECONDARY_SERVICE` Declares a Secondary Service. :c:macro:`BT_GATT_INCLUDE_SERVICE` Declares a Include Service. :c:macro:`BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC` Declares a Characteristic. :c:macro:`BT_GATT_DESCRIPTOR` Declares a Descriptor. :c:macro:`BT_GATT_ATTRIBUTE` Declares an Attribute. :c:macro:`BT_GATT_CCC` Declares a Client Characteristic Configuration. :c:macro:`BT_GATT_CEP` Declares a Characteristic Extended Properties. :c:macro:`BT_GATT_CUD` Declares a Characteristic User Format. Each attribute contain a ``uuid``, which describes their type, a ``read`` callback, a ``write`` callback and a set of permission. Both read and write callbacks can be set to NULL if the attribute permission don't allow their respective operations. .. note:: 32-bit UUIDs are not supported in GATT. All 32-bit UUIDs shall be converted to 128-bit UUIDs when the UUID is contained in an ATT PDU. .. note:: Attribute ``read`` and ``write`` callbacks are called directly from RX Thread thus it is not recommended to block for long periods of time in them. Attribute value changes can be notified using :c:func:`bt_gatt_notify` API, alternatively there is :c:func:`bt_gatt_notify_cb` where is is possible to pass a callback to be called when it is necessary to know the exact instant when the data has been transmitted over the air. Indications are supported by :c:func:`bt_gatt_indicate` API. Client procedures can be enabled with the configuration option: :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT` Discover procedures can be initiated with the use of :c:func:`bt_gatt_discover` API which takes the :c:struct:`bt_gatt_discover_params` struct which describes the type of discovery. The parameters also serves as a filter when setting the ``uuid`` field only attributes which matches will be discovered, in contrast setting it to NULL allows all attributes to be discovered. .. note:: Caching discovered attributes is not supported. Read procedures are supported by :c:func:`bt_gatt_read` API which takes the :c:struct:`bt_gatt_read_params` struct as parameters. In the parameters one or more attributes can be set, though setting multiple handles requires the option: :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_GATT_READ_MULTIPLE` Write procedures are supported by :c:func:`bt_gatt_write` API and takes :c:struct:`bt_gatt_write_params` struct as parameters. In case the write operation don't require a response :c:func:`bt_gatt_write_without_response` or :c:func:`bt_gatt_write_without_response_cb` APIs can be used, with the later working similarly to :c:func:`bt_gatt_notify_cb`. Subscriptions to notification and indication can be initiated with use of :c:func:`bt_gatt_subscribe` API which takes :c:struct:`bt_gatt_subscribe_params` as parameters. Multiple subscriptions to the same attribute are supported so there could be multiple ``notify`` callback being triggered for the same attribute. Subscriptions can be removed with use of :c:func:`bt_gatt_unsubscribe` API. .. note:: When subscriptions are removed ``notify`` callback is called with the data set to NULL. API Reference ************* .. doxygengroup:: bt_gatt GATT Server =========== .. doxygengroup:: bt_gatt_server GATT Client =========== .. doxygengroup:: bt_gatt_client