.. _lc3_changelog: Changelog ######### All notable changes to this project are documented on this page. nRF Connect SDK v2.2.0 ********************** Here are all the notable changes included in the |NCS| v2.2.0 release: * Added new documentation pages. * Replaced API documentation link with the :ref:`lc3_api` page that includes content generated from sources. nRF Connect SDK v2.1.0 ********************** Initial release in the sdk-nrxlib repository. This release includes the following changes to the codec. LC3 v1.0.4 ========== Build information: * Platform: ARM Cortex-M33, Cortex-M44 * Compiler: ARM v6, -Ofast * Hard floating point, fixed point Changes: * Replaced floating point stdlib dependencies in data path with T2 functions. * Optimized the LTPF decoder, fixed point. LC3 v1.0.3 ========== Changes: * MDCT optimizations. * LTPF optimizations. * Arithmetic encoding optimizations. LC3 v1.0.2 ========== Changes: * Platform-specific optimizations. LC3 v1.0.1 ========== Changes: * Fixed point optimizations. LC3 v1.0.0 ========== Changes: * ARC LTPF SIMD optimizations. LC3 v0.9.14 =========== Changes: * ARM optimizations. LC3 v0.9.13 =========== Changes: * Added compile option to separate encode/decode memory. LC3 v0.9.12 =========== Changes: * ARM optimizations. LC3 v0.9.11 =========== Changes: * ARM optimizations. LC3 v0.9.10 =========== Changes: * Incorporated all technical errata up to 15138. LC3 v0.9.9 ========== Changes: * Non-functional changes. LC3 v0.9.8 ========== Changes: * Fixed point memory optimizations. * Fixed point 7.5 ms frame size conformance improvements, meets stricter 0.06 ODG threshold in conformance tests. * Fixed scaling for > 16 bit PCM output in fixed point. LC3 v0.9.7 ========== Changes: * Fixed Glockenspiel 24 kHz / 48 kbps / 7.5 ms exceeding 0.06 ODG in floating point encode/decode test. * Performance optimizations. LC3 v0.9.6 ========== Changes: * Added 7.5 ms support for floating point. LC3 v0.9.5 ========== Changes: * Fixed point memory optimizations. LC3 v0.9.4 ========== Changes: * Added 24 and 32 bit PCM input and output to T2_LC3. * Optimizations in pitch lag detection. * Added API for amount of packet loss correction (PLC) applied. * Added API for providing static buffers. * Added error code offset to avoid value conflict with other modules. * Added API for the number of bytes read from encoder input. LC3 v0.9.3 ========== Changes: * Fixed an issue in T2_LC3 where decoding a single frame resulted in 1/4 frame of additional PCM output. LC3 v0.9.2 ========== Changes: * Added x64 Linux build T2_LC3. * Added support for multi-channel WAV files to T2_LC3 application. * Removed a DLL dependency from T2_LC3 Windows build.