.. _ug_matter_gs_testing_wifi_pc: Matter over Wi-Fi: Configuring CHIP Tool for Linux or macOS ########################################################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 In this setup, the Matter controller is installed on PC that is running either Linux or macOS, and a dedicated Wi-Fi Access Point is used. This is the recommended setup for Matter over Wi-Fi. .. figure:: ../../../nrf/images/matter_wifi_setup_pc.png :width: 600 :alt: Matter over Wi-Fi setup with Matter controller on PC Matter over Wi-Fi setup with Matter controller on PC Requirements ************ To use this setup, you need the following hardware: * 1x PC with Ubuntu (20.04 or newer) * 1x Wi-Fi Access Point supporting IPv6 (without the IPv6 Router Advertisement Guard enabled on the router) * 1x compatible Nordic Semiconductor's DK - for the Matter accessory device (compatible and programmed with one of :ref:`matter_samples`) Configuring the environment *************************** To configure and use CHIP Tool for Linux or macOS with Matter over Wi-Fi, complete the following steps. .. rst-class:: numbered-step Program the sample ================== Program the development kit for the Matter accessory device with one of available :ref:`matter_samples`. We recommend using :ref:`Matter light bulb `. .. rst-class:: numbered-step Configure the CHIP Tool for Linux or macOS ========================================== |matter_chip_tool_pc_default_line| It is available for both amd64 and aarch64 architectures. This implies that the tool can also be run on a Raspberry Pi with a 64-bit OS. To use this controller type, complete the following steps: 1. Choose one of the following options: * For Linux only - Use the prebuilt tool package from the `Matter nRF Connect releases`_ GitHub page. Make sure that the package is compatible with your |NCS| version. * For both Linux and macOS - Build it manually from the source files available in the :file:`modules/lib/matter/examples/chip-tool` directory and using the building instructions from the :doc:`matter:chip_tool_guide` page in the Matter documentation. #. Configure the CHIP Tool for Linux or macOS by following the steps in the sections of the :doc:`matter:chip_tool_guide` in the Matter documentation: a. Build and run the CHIP Tool by completing the steps listed in "Building and running CHIP Tool". #. Prepare the environment for testing by completing the steps listed in "Using CHIP Tool for Matter device testing". .. rst-class:: numbered-step Continue to testing the sample ============================== Depending on which Matter sample you programmed onto the development kit, go to this sample's documentation page and complete the steps from the Testing section.