.. _peripheral_cts_client: Bluetooth: Peripheral CTS client ################################ .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The Peripheral CTS client sample demonstrates how to use the :ref:`cts_client_readme`. Requirements ************ The sample supports the following development kits: .. table-from-sample-yaml:: .. include:: /includes/tfm.txt The sample also requires a device running a CTS Server to connect with (for example, a Bluetooth® Low Energy dongle and nRF Connect for Desktop). Overview ******** The CTS client sample implements a Current Time Service client. It uses the Current Time Service to read the current time. The time received is printed on the UART. User interface ************** LED 1: * Blinks with a period of 2 seconds, duty cycle 50%, when the main loop is running. LED 2: * On when connected. Button 1: * Read the current time. Building and running ******************** .. |sample path| replace:: :file:`samples/bluetooth/peripheral_cts_client` .. include:: /includes/build_and_run_ns.txt .. _peripheral_cts_client_testing: Testing ======= After programming the sample to your development kit, you can test it with `nRF Connect for Desktop`_ by performing the following steps. 1. |connect_terminal_specific| #. Reset the kit. #. Start `nRF Connect for Desktop`_ #. Open the Bluetooth Low Energy app and select the connected dongle that is used for communication. #. Open the :guilabel:`SERVER SETUP` tab. Click the dongle configuration and select **Load setup**. Load the :file:`cts_central.ncs` file that is located under :file:`samples/bluetooth/peripheral_cts_client` in the |NCS| folder structure. #. Click :guilabel:`Apply to device`. #. Open the :guilabel:`CONNECTION MAP` tab. Click the dongle configuration and select **Security parameters**. Check :guilabel:`Perform Bonding`, and click :guilabel:`Apply`. #. Set the value of **Current Time Service** > **Current Time** to ``C2 07 0B 0F 0C 22 38 06 80 02`` and click :guilabel:`Write`. #. Connect to the device from the app. The device is advertising as "Nordic_CTS". #. Wait until the bond is established. Verify that the UART data is received as follows:: Connected xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (random) The discovery procedure succeeded Security changed: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (random) level 2 Pairing completed: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (random), bonded: 1 #. Press **Button 1** on the kit. Verify that the current time printed on the UART matches the time that was input in the Current Time characteristic (UUID 0x2A2B):: Current Time: Date: Day of week Saturday Day of month 15 Month of year November Year 1986 Time: Hours 12 Minutes 34 Seconds 56 Fractions 128/256 of a second Adjust Reason: Daylight savings 0 Time zone 0 External update 1 Manual update 0 #. Change the value of :guilabel:`Current Time Service` > :guilabel:`Current Time` to ``C2 07 0B 0F 0D 25 2A 06 FE 08``. It generates a notification. Verify that the current time printed on the UART matches the time that was input:: Current Time: Date: Day of week Saturday Day of month 15 Month of year November Year 1986 Time: Hours 13 Minutes 37 Seconds 42 Fractions 254/256 of a second Adjust Reason: Daylight savings 1 Time zone 0 External update 0 Manual update 0 #. Disconnect the device in nRF Connect. #. As bond information is preserved by nRF Connect, you can immediately reconnect to the device by clicking the Connect button again. Dependencies ************ This sample uses the following |NCS| libraries: * :ref:`cts_client_readme` * :ref:`gatt_dm_readme` * :ref:`dk_buttons_and_leds_readme` In addition, it uses the following Zephyr libraries: * ``include/zephyr/types.h`` * ``lib/libc/minimal/include/errno.h`` * ``include/sys/printk.h`` * :ref:`zephyr:bluetooth_api`: * ``include/bluetooth/bluetooth.h`` * ``include/bluetooth/conn.h`` * ``include/bluetooth/uuid.h`` * ``include/bluetooth/gatt.h`` The sample also uses the following secure firmware component: * :ref:`Trusted Firmware-M `