.. _lib_zigbee: Libraries for Zigbee #################### |zigbee_description| See the :ref:`ug_zigbee` user guide for an overview of the technology. Zigbee libraries are a set of components that can be directly reused in Zigbee applications. They implement the default behavior of a Zigbee device and are used in :ref:`zigbee_samples` in this SDK. The following table lists libraries enabled by default for each available Zigbee sample (✔) or available through a configuration file (``**``): .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Library name - :ref:`Light bulb ` - :ref:`Light switch ` - :ref:`Network coordinator ` - :ref:`NCP ` - :ref:`Shell (sample) ` - :ref:`Template ` * - ZBOSS OSIF - ✔ - ✔ - ✔ - ✔ - ✔ - ✔ * - Shell (library) - - - - - ✔ - * - Application utilities (default signal handler) - ✔ - ✔ - ✔ - - ✔ - ✔ * - Error handler - ✔ - ✔ - ✔ - - ✔ - ✔ * - FOTA - - ``**`` - - - - * - Endpoint logger - - - - - ✔ - * - Scene helper - ✔ - - - - - Read the table symbols in the following manner: * ``✔`` - The library is enabled by default for the given Zigbee sample. * ``**`` - The library support is available through the :file:`prj_fota.conf` for the given Zigbee sample. * No symbol - The library is not enabled for the given sample, but you can enable support by following the instructions on the :ref:`ug_zigbee_configuring_libraries`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: :caption: Subpages: *