.. _lbs_readme: LED Button Service (LBS) ######################## .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The GATT LED Button Service (LBS) is a custom service that receives information about the state of an LED and sends notifications when a button changes its state. The LBS Service is used in the :ref:`peripheral_lbs` sample. Service UUID ************ The 128-bit vendor-specific service UUID is 00001523-1212-EFDE-1523-785FEABCD123. Characteristics *************** This service has two characteristics. Button Characteristic (00001524-1212-EFDE-1523-785FEABCD123) ============================================================ Notify: Enable notifications for the Button Characteristic to receive button data from the application. Read: Read button data from the application. LED Characteristic (00001525-1212-EFDE-1523-785FEABCD123) ========================================================= Write: Write data to the LED Characteristic to change the LED state. API documentation ***************** | Header file: :file:`include/lbs.h` | Source file: :file:`subsys/bluetooth/services/lbs.c` .. doxygengroup:: bt_lbs :project: nrf :members: