.. _ddfs_readme: Direction and Distance Finding Service (DDFS) ############################################# .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The Bluetooth® LE GATT Direction and Distance Finding Service is a custom service that allows publication of distance, azimuth and elevation measurement data. It also allows adjusting the measurement configuration parameters. .. note:: The current implementation is :ref:`experimental `. Service UUID ************ The 128-bit vendor-specific service UUID is 21490000-494a-4573-98af-f126af76f490. .. list-table:: Characteristic UUIDs :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Characteristic - UUID * - Distance Measurement - 21490001-494a-4573-98af-f126af76f490 * - Azimuth Measurement - 21490002-494a-4573-98af-f126af76f490 * - Elevation Measurement - 21490003-494a-4573-98af-f126af76f490 * - DDF Feature - 21490004-494a-4573-98af-f126af76f490 * - Control Point - 21490005-494a-4573-98af-f126af76f490 Characteristics *************** This service has the following characteristics. Distance Measurement Characteristic =================================== Notify: Enable notifications for the Distance Measurement Characteristic to receive measurements. Azimuth Measurement Characteristic ================================== Notify: Enable notifications for the Azimuth Measurement Characteristic to receive measurements. Elevation Measurement Characteristic ==================================== Notify: Enable notifications for the Elevation Measurement Characteristic to receive measurements. DDF Feature Characteristic ========================== Read: Read the supported features. Control Point Characteristic ============================ Write: Write data to the Control Point Characteristic to change the configuration. API documentation ***************** | Header file: :file:`include/bluetooth/services/ddfs.h` | Source file: :file:`subsys/bluetooth/services/ddfs.c` .. doxygengroup:: bt_ddfs :project: nrf :members: