.. _gs_installing: Installing manually ################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The recommended way to get started with the |NCS| is to use nRF Connect for Desktop. For instructions on automatic installation, see the :ref:`gs_assistant` page. .. note:: If you use nRF Connect for Desktop to install the |NCS|, you can skip this section of the documentation. However, if you prefer to install the toolchain manually, follow the instructions in this documentation. To manually install the |NCS|, you must first install all the required tools and clone the |NCS| repositories. If you already have your system set up to work with Zephyr OS, based on Zephyr's :ref:`zephyr:getting_started`, it means you have most of the requirements for the |NCS| installed. The only requirement that is not covered by the installation steps in Zephyr is the :ref:`GN tool `. This tool is needed only for :ref:`ug_matter` applications. Before you start setting up the toolchain, install available updates for your operating system. See :ref:`gs_recommended_versions` for information on the supported operating systems and Zephyr features. .. _gs_installing_tools: .. rst-class:: numbered-step Install the required tools ************************** The installation process is different depending on your operating system. .. note:: You will be asked to reboot after installing some of the tools. You can skip these notifications and reboot only once after you complete the installation of all tools. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Windows The recommended way of installing the required tools on Windows is to use `Chocolatey`_, a package manager for Windows. Chocolatey installs the tools so that you can use them from a Windows command-line window. To install the required tools, complete the following steps: .. ncs-include:: develop/getting_started/index.rst :docset: zephyr :dedent: 6 :start-after: .. _install_dependencies_windows: :end-before: #. Close the window and open a new Ensure that these dependencies are installed with their versions as specified in the :ref:`Required tools table `. To check the list of installed packages and their versions, run the following command: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight choco list -lo .. group-tab:: Linux To install the required tools on Ubuntu, complete the following steps: .. ncs-include:: develop/getting_started/index.rst :docset: zephyr :dedent: 6 :start-after: .. _install_dependencies_ubuntu: :end-before: Check those against the versions in the table in the beginning of this section. Ensure that these dependencies are installed with their versions as specified in the :ref:`Required tools table `. Refer to the :ref:`zephyr:installation_linux` page for additional information on updating the dependencies manually. If you are using other Linux-based operating systems, see the :ref:`zephyr:linux_requirements` section in the Zephyr documentation. .. group-tab:: macOS To install the required tools, complete the following steps: .. ncs-include:: develop/getting_started/index.rst :docset: zephyr :dedent: 6 :start-after: .. _install_dependencies_macos: :end-before: group-tab:: Windows Ensure that these dependencies are installed with their versions as specified in the :ref:`Required tools table `. To check the installed versions, run the following command: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight brew list --versions Also see :ref:`zephyr:mac-setup-alts` in the Zephyr documentation for additional information. .. .. _gs_installing_gn: If you want to build `Matter`_ applications, additionally install the `GN`_ meta-build system. This system generates the Ninja files that the |NCS| uses. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Windows To install the GN tool, complete the following steps: 1. Download the latest version of the GN binary archive for Windows from the `GN website`_. 2. Extract the :file:`zip` archive. 3. Ensure that the GN tool is added to your :envvar:`PATH` environment variable. For the exact instructions, see :ref:`zephyr:env_vars`. .. group-tab:: Linux To install the GN tool, complete the following steps: 1. Create the directory for the GN tool: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight mkdir ${HOME}/gn && cd ${HOME}/gn #. Download the GN binary archive and extract it by using the following commands: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight wget -O gn.zip https:\ //chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com/dl/gn/gn/linux-amd64/+/latest unzip gn.zip rm gn.zip The wget tool is installed when installing the required tools on Linux. #. Add the location of the GN tool to the system :envvar:`PATH`. For example, if you are using ``bash``, run the following commands: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight echo 'export PATH=${HOME}/gn:"$PATH"' >> ${HOME}/.bashrc source ${HOME}/.bashrc .. group-tab:: macOS To install the GN tool, complete the following steps: 1. Create the directory for the GN tool: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight mkdir ${HOME}/gn && cd ${HOME}/gn #. Install the wget tool: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight brew install wget #. Download the GN binary archive and extract it by using the following commands: * For 64-bit ARM (M1 and M2) host architecture: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight wget -O gn.zip https:\ //chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com/dl/gn/gn/mac-arm64/+/latest unzip gn.zip rm gn.zip * For 64-bit AMD (Intel) host architecture: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight wget -O gn.zip https:\ //chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com/dl/gn/gn/mac-amd64/+/latest unzip gn.zip rm gn.zip #. Add the location of the GN tool to the system :envvar:`PATH`. For example, if you are using ``bash``, run the following commands: a. Create the :file:`.bash_profile` file if you do not have it already: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight touch ${HOME}/.bash_profile #. Add the location of the GN tool to :file:`.bash_profile`: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight echo 'export PATH=${HOME}/gn:"$PATH"' >> ${HOME}/.bash_profile source ${HOME}/.bash_profile .. .. _gs_installing_west: .. rst-class:: numbered-step Install west ************ To manage the combination of repositories and versions, the |NCS| uses :ref:`Zephyr's west `. To install west, reopen the command prompt window as an administrator to ensure that Python is initialized, and complete the following step: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Windows Enter the following command in a command-line window: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight pip3 install west .. note:: Ensure the west location is added to the path in environmental variables. .. group-tab:: Linux Enter the following command in a terminal window: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight pip3 install --user west echo 'export PATH=~/.local/bin:"$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc .. group-tab:: macOS Enter the following command in a terminal window: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight pip3 install west You only need to do this once. .. _cloning_the_repositories_win: .. _cloning_the_repositories: .. rst-class:: numbered-step Get the |NCS| code ****************** Every |NCS| release consists of a combination of :ref:`Git repositories ` at different revisions. The revision of each of those repositories is determined by the current revision of the main (or manifest) repository, `sdk-nrf`_. .. note:: The latest state of development is on the ``main`` branch of the `sdk-nrf`_ repository. To ensure a usable state, the `sdk-nrf`_ repository defines the compatible states of the other repositories. However, this state is not necessarily tested. For a higher degree of quality assurance, check out a tagged release. Unless you are familiar with the development process, you should always work with a specific release of the |NCS|. For more information about the repository and development model, see the :ref:`development model section `. To clone the repositories, complete the following steps: 1. Create a folder named :file:`ncs`. This folder will hold all |NCS| repositories. #. Determine the identifier of the revision of the |NCS| you want to work with. The recommended way is to work with a specific release. * To work with a specific release, the identifier is the corresponding tag (for example, |release_tt|). You can find the tag in the :ref:`release_notes` of the release. * To work with a development tag, the identifier is the corresponding tag (for example, ``v1.2.99-dev1``) * To work with a branch, the identifier is the branch name (for example, ``main`` to work with the latest state of development). * To work with a specific state, the identifier is the SHA (for example, ``224bee9055d986fe2677149b8cbda0ff10650a6e``). #. From the command line, initialize west with the revision of the |NCS| that you want to check out, replacing *nRFConnectSDK_revision* with the identifier: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight west init -m https\://github.com/nrfconnect/sdk-nrf --mr *nRFConnectSDK_revision* For example, to check out the |release| release, enter the following command: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight west init -m https\://github.com/nrfconnect/sdk-nrf --mr |release| .. west-error-start .. note:: If you get an error message when running west, :ref:`update west ` to the latest version. See :ref:`zephyr:west-troubleshooting` if you need more information. .. west-error-end Initializing west with a specific revision of the manifest file does not lock your repositories to this version. Checking out a different branch or tag in the `sdk-nrf`_ repository and running ``west update`` changes the version of the |NCS| that you work with. To check out the latest state of development, enter the following command:: west init -m https://github.com/nrfconnect/sdk-nrf --mr main This will clone the manifest repository `sdk-nrf`_ into :file:`nrf`. #. Enter the following command to clone the project repositories:: west update Depending on your connection, this might take some time. #. Export a :ref:`Zephyr CMake package `. This allows CMake to automatically load the boilerplate code required for building |NCS| applications:: west zephyr-export Your directory structure now looks similar to this:: ncs |___ .west |___ bootloader |___ modules |___ nrf |___ nrfxlib |___ zephyr |___ ... Note that there are additional folders, and that the structure might change. The full set of repositories and folders is defined in the manifest file. .. _additional_deps: .. rst-class:: numbered-step Install additional Python dependencies ************************************** The |NCS| requires additional Python packages to be installed. Use the following commands to install the requirements for each repository. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Windows Enter the following command in a command-line window in the :file:`ncs` folder: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight pip3 install -r zephyr/scripts/requirements.txt pip3 install -r nrf/scripts/requirements.txt pip3 install -r bootloader/mcuboot/scripts/requirements.txt .. group-tab:: Linux Enter the following command in a terminal window in the :file:`ncs` folder: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight pip3 install --user -r zephyr/scripts/requirements.txt pip3 install --user -r nrf/scripts/requirements.txt pip3 install --user -r bootloader/mcuboot/scripts/requirements.txt .. group-tab:: macOS Enter the following command in a terminal window in the :file:`ncs` folder: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight pip3 install -r zephyr/scripts/requirements.txt pip3 install -r nrf/scripts/requirements.txt pip3 install -r bootloader/mcuboot/scripts/requirements.txt .. .. _gs_installing_toolchain: .. rst-class:: numbered-step Install a Toolchain ******************* A toolchain provides a compiler, assembler, linker, and other programs required to build Zephyr applications. The Zephyr Software Development Kit (SDK) contains toolchains for each of Zephyr's supported architectures. It also includes additional host tools, such as custom QEMU and OpenOCD builds. .. note:: When updating Zephyr SDK, :ref:`verify the Zephyr SDK variables `. Make sure that the ``zephyr`` toolchain is selected, not ``gnuarmemb``. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Windows .. ncs-include:: develop/getting_started/index.rst :docset: zephyr :dedent: 6 :start-after: .. _windows_zephyr_sdk: :end-before: .. _getting_started_run_sample: .. group-tab:: Linux .. ncs-include:: develop/getting_started/index.rst :docset: zephyr :dedent: 6 :start-after: .. _ubuntu_zephyr_sdk: :end-before: .. group-tab:: macOS .. group-tab:: macOS .. ncs-include:: develop/getting_started/index.rst :docset: zephyr :dedent: 6 :start-after: .. _macos_zephyr_sdk: :end-before: .. group-tab:: Windows .. rst-class:: numbered-step Install |nRFVSC| **************** You can install the |nRFVSC| to open and compile projects in the |NCS|. .. _installing_vsc: |vsc_extension_instructions| .. vsc_mig_note_start .. note:: If you are building the application or sample using SEGGER Embedded Studio IDE or on the command line and want to migrate to |VSC|, use the `Add an existing application `_ option in the |nRFVSC| to migrate your application. .. vsc_mig_note_end .. _build_environment_cli: Set up the command-line build environment ***************************************** In addition to |VSC|, you can also build and program your application from the command line. You have to set up your build environment by defining the required environment variables every time you open a new command-line or terminal window. See :ref:`zephyr:important-build-vars` for more information about the various relevant environment variables. Define the required environment variables as follows, depending on your operating system: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Windows Navigate to the :file:`ncs` folder and enter the following command: ``zephyr\zephyr-env.cmd`` If you need to define additional environment variables, create the file :file:`%userprofile%\zephyrrc.cmd` and add the variables there. This file is loaded automatically when you run the above command. See :ref:`zephyr:env_vars_zephyrrc` for more information. .. group-tab:: Linux Navigate to the :file:`ncs` folder and enter the following command: ``source zephyr/zephyr-env.sh`` If you need to define additional environment variables, create the file :file:`~/.zephyrrc` and add the variables there. This file is loaded automatically when you run the above command. See :ref:`zephyr:env_vars_zephyrrc` for more information. .. group-tab:: macOS Navigate to the :file:`ncs` folder and enter the following command: ``source zephyr/zephyr-env.sh`` If you need to define additional environment variables, create the file :file:`~/.zephyrrc` and add the variables there. This file is loaded automatically when you run the above command. See :ref:`zephyr:env_vars_zephyrrc` for more information. You must also make sure that nrfjprog (part of the `nRF Command Line Tools`_) is installed and its path is added to the environment variables. The west command programs the development kit by using nrfjprog by default. For more information on nrfjprog, see `Programming SoCs with nrfjprog`_.