.. _amg88xx_shields: Panasonic Grid-EYE (AMG88xx) Shields #################################### Overview ******** The Panasonic AMG88XX is an 8x8 (64) pixel infrared array sensor available only in a SMD design. Here are two sources for easily working with this sensor: - `AMG88xx Evaluation Kit`_ - `Adafruit AMG8833 8x8 Thermal Camera Sensor`_ Current supported shields ========================= +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Name | Shield Designation | | | | +================================+================================+ | AMG88xx Evaluation Kit | amg88xx_eval_kit | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ Requirements AMG88xx Evaluation Kit *********************************** On the AMG88xx Evaluation Kit, all jumpers except the J11 and J14 must be removed. This shield can only be used with a board that provides a configuration for Arduino connectors and defines node aliases for I2C and GPIO interfaces (see :ref:`shields` for more details). Pins Assignment of the AMG88xx Evaluation Kit Shield ==================================================== +-----------------------+------------+----------------------------+ | Shield Connector Pin | Function | | +=======================+============+============================+ | D6 | INT | AMG88xx INT Pin | +-----------------------+------------+----------------------------+ | D14 | I2C SDA | AMG88xx SDA Pin | +-----------------------+------------+----------------------------+ | D15 | I2C SCL | AMG88xx SCL Pin | +-----------------------+------------+----------------------------+ The same shield designation can also be used with breakout boards like `Adafruit AMG8833 8x8 Thermal Camera Sensor`_. The wires should be connected according to the table above. Programming *********** Correct shield designation (see the table above) for your shield must be entered when you invoke ``west build``. For example: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/sensor/amg88xx :board: nrf52840dk_nrf52840 :shield: amg88xx_eval_kit :goals: build References ********** .. target-notes:: - https://eu.industrial.panasonic.com/products/sensors-optical-devices/sensors-automotive-and-industrial-applications/infrared-array .. _`AMG88xx Evaluation Kit`: https://eu.industrial.panasonic.com/grideye-evalkit .. _`Adafruit AMG8833 8x8 Thermal Camera Sensor`: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-amg8833-8x8-thermal-camera-sensor/overview