.. _zigbee_ug_supported_features: Supported Zigbee features ######################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The |NCS|'s Zigbee protocol uses the ZBOSS library, a third-party precompiled Zigbee stack. It includes all mandatory features of the |zigbee_version| specification and provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to access different services. The stack comes with the following features: * Complete implementation of the Zigbee core specification and Zigbee Pro feature set * Support for all device roles: Coordinator, Router, and End Device * Zigbee Cluster Library, including :ref:`lib_zigbee_fota` * Base Device Behavior * Devices definitions for devices that were implemented for Zigbee Home Automation and Light Link profiles * Zigbee Green Power Proxy Basic * :ref:`Experimental ` support for ``ZB_ZCL_WWAH`` Experimental support also means that the feature is either not certified or no sample is provided for the given feature (or both). See the :ref:`nrfxlib:zboss` page in nrfxlib and the `external ZBOSS development guide and API documentation`_ for more information about the ZBOSS library. For more information about Zigbee, visit the `Connectivity Standards Alliance`_ page and read `Zigbee Specification`_.