.. _mesh_ug_supported_features: Supported Bluetooth mesh features ################################# The Bluetooth® mesh in |NCS| supports all mandatory features of the `Bluetooth mesh profile specification`_ and the `Bluetooth mesh model specification`_, as well as most of the optional features. The following features are supported by Zephyr's :ref:`zephyr:bluetooth_mesh`: * :ref:`zephyr:bluetooth_mesh_core`: * Node role * Relay feature * Low power feature * Friend feature * :ref:`zephyr:bluetooth_mesh_provisioning`: * Provisionee role (GATT and Advertising Provisioning bearer) * Provisioner role (only Advertising Provisioning bearer) * :ref:`GATT Proxy Server role ` * :ref:`zephyr:bluetooth_mesh_models` In addition to these features, |NCS| implements several models defined in the `Bluetooth mesh model specification`_. See :ref:`bt_mesh_models` for details.