.. _wifi_shell_sample: Wi-Fi: Shell ############ .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 This sample allows you to test Nordic Semiconductor's Wi-Fi chipsets. Requirements ************ The sample supports the following development kit: .. table-from-sample-yaml:: Overview ******** This sample can perform all Wi-Fi operations in the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands depending on the capabilities supported in the underlying chipset. Using this sample, the development kit can associate with, and ping to, any Wi-Fi capable access point in :abbr:`STA (Station)` mode. Building and running ******************** .. |sample path| replace:: :file:`samples/wifi/shell` .. include:: /includes/build_and_run_ns.txt Currently, the following configurations are supported: * 7002 DK + QSPI * 7002 EK + SPIM To build for the nRF7002 DK, use the ``nrf7002dk_nrf5340_cpuapp`` build target. The following is an example of the CLI command:: west build -b nrf7002dk_nrf5340_cpuapp To build for the nRF7002 EK, use the ``nrf7002dk_nrf5340_cpuapp`` build target with the ``SHIELD`` CMake option set to ``nrf7002_ek``. The following is an example of the CLI command:: west build -b nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp -- -DSHIELD=nrf7002_ek See also :ref:`cmake_options` for instructions on how to provide CMake options. Supported CLI commands ====================== ``wifi`` is the Wi-Fi command line and supports the following UART CLI subcommands: .. list-table:: Wi-Fi shell subcommands :header-rows: 1 * - Subcommands - Description * - scan - Scan for access points in the vicinity * - connect - | Connect to an access point with below parameters | | (optional: valid only for secured SSIDs) | (optional: 0-None, 1-WPA2, 2-WPA2-256, 3-WPA3) * - disconnect - Disconnect from the current access point * - status - Get the status of the Wi-Fi interface * - statistics - Get the statistics of the Wi-Fi interface * - ap_enable - Configure the Wi-Fi interface as access point mode * - ap_disable - Configure the Wi-Fi interface as station mode Testing ======= |test_sample| #. |connect_kit| #. |connect_terminal| #. Scan for the Wi-Fi networks in range using the following command:: wifi scan The output should be similar to the following:: Scan requested Num | SSID (len) | Chan | RSSI | Security | BSSID 1 | xyza 4 | 1 | -27 | WPA2-PSK | xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx 2 | abcd 4 | 1 | -28 | WPA2-PSK | yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy #. Connect to your preferred network using the following command:: wifi connect ```` is the SSID of the network you want to connect to, and ```` is its passphrase. #. Check the connection status after a while, using the following command:: wifi status If the connection is established, you should see an output similar to the following:: Status: successful ================== State: COMPLETED Interface Mode: STATION Link Mode: WIFI 6 (802.11ax/HE) SSID: OpenWrt BSSID: C0:06:C3:1D:CF:9E Band: 5GHz Channel: 157 Security: WPA2-PSK PMF: Optional RSSI: 0 #. Initiate a ping and verify data connectivity using the following commands:: net dns net ping See the following example:: net dns google.com Query for 'google.com' sent. dns: dns: All results received net ping 10 PING 28 bytes from to icmp_seq=0 ttl=113 time=191 ms 28 bytes from to icmp_seq=1 ttl=113 time=190 ms 28 bytes from to icmp_seq=2 ttl=113 time=190 ms Dependencies ============ This sample uses the following `sdk-nrfxlib`_ library: * :ref:`nrfxlib:nrf_security` This sample also uses modules that can be found in the following locations in the |NCS| folder structure: * ``modules/lib/hostap`` * ``modules/mbedtls``