.. _ncs_release_notes_140: |NCS| v1.4.0 Release Notes ########################## .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 |NCS| delivers reference software and supporting libraries for developing low-power wireless applications with Nordic Semiconductor products. It includes the MCUboot and the Zephyr RTOS open source projects, which are continuously integrated and re-distributed with the SDK. The |NCS| is where you begin building low-power wireless applications with Nordic Semiconductor nRF52, nRF53, and nRF91 Series devices. nRF53 Series devices (which are pre-production) and Zigbee and Bluetooth Mesh protocols are supported for development in v1.4.0 for prototyping and evaluation. Support for production and deployment in end products is coming soon. Highlights ********** * Added production support for nRF52833 and nRF52840 for Thread, including multiprotocol operation with Bluetooth Low Energy * Added Network Co-Processor (NCP) architecture for Thread and Zigbee * Added development support for multiprotocol operation of Zigbee and Bluetooth Low Energy * Added support for nRF5340 Network Core DFU * Added the standalone Remote procedure call (nRF RPC) library with a simple sample for nRF5340 * Azure IoT Hub and FOTA support for nRF9160 * Low power UDP sample for nRF9160 * Updates to nRF9160 Serial LTE modem application * New Bluetooth Mesh samples and models for light control * nRF Bluetooth LE Controller has been renamed to SoftDevice Controller * The standalone SoftDevice Controller library is now the default Bluetooth LE Controller for Bluetooth samples (except the Bluetooth Mesh samples) Release tag *********** The release tag for the |NCS| manifest repository (|ncs_repo|) is **v1.4.0**. Check the ``west.yml`` file for the corresponding tags in the project repositories. To use this release, check out the tag in the manifest repository and run ``west update``. See :ref:`cloning_the_repositories` for more information. Supported modem firmware ************************ This version of the |NCS| has been tested with the following modem firmware for cellular IoT applications: * mfw_nrf9160_1.2.2 Use the latest version of the nRF Programmer app of `nRF Connect for Desktop`_ to update the modem firmware. See :ref:`nrf9160_gs_updating_fw_modem` for instructions. Changelog ********* The following sections provide detailed lists of changes by component. nRF9160 ======= * Added: * :ref:`lib_azure_fota` library - This library provides a way to parse Azure IoT Hub device twin messages to obtain firmware upgrade information and perform FOTA downloads. * :ref:`lib_azure_iot_hub` library - This library provides an API to connect to an Azure IoT Hub instance and interact with it. * :ref:`azure_iot_hub` sample - This sample demonstrates the communication of an nRF9160-based device with an Azure IoT Hub instance. * :ref:`azure_fota_sample` sample - This sample demonstrates how to perform an over-the-air firmware update of an nRF9160-based device using the Azure FOTA and Azure IoT Hub libraries. * :ref:`aws_iot` sample - This sample demonstrates the communication of an nRF9160-based device with the AWS IoT message broker over MQTT. * :ref:`udp` low power sample - This sample demonstrates the sequential transmission of UDP packets to a predetermined server identified by an IP address and a port. * :ref:`download_sample` sample - This sample demonstrates how to download files over the Internet from HTTP(S) and CoAP(S) servers. * Updated: * ``at_cmd`` library library: * Reimplemented the library to enable asynchronous handling of commands and reduce memory usage. * Updated all commands to only match ``OK`` or ``ERROR`` in the response if they are at the end (in case those strings are part of the response, like in certificate). * BSD library: * Updated to version 0.8.1. See the :ref:`nrfxlib:nrf_modem_changelog` for detailed information. * :ref:`coap_utils_readme` library: * Added an optional ``addr`` parameter to the :c:func:`coap_init()` function. The parameter is meant for socket binding. * :ref:`connectivity_bridge` application: * Added automatic re-enabling of UART RX upon errors. * Improved the handling of configuration file. * Added an option to configure Bluetooth device name. * :ref:`lib_download_client` library: * Added CoAP block-wise transfer support, which can be enabled with :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_COAP`. * Updated functions that end with ``_connect()`` and ``_start()`` to parse complete URLs, with port and schema. * Removed ``port`` field in :c:struct:`download_client_cfg`. The port number can now be passed together with the URL. * Removed the ``CONFIG_DOWNLOAD_CLIENT_TLS`` Kconfig option. Now the choice between secure and non-secure HTTP or CoAP is determined by the schema, or by the security tag if the schema is missing. * Stopped using HTTP range requests when using HTTP, which improves bandwidth. * Updated the parsing of HTTP header fields to be case-insensitive. * Added support for Zephyr's :ref:`zephyr:shell_api`. * Added ``fragment_size`` parameter to :c:func:`fota_download_start` to allow to specify download fragment size at run time. * :ref:`lib_fota_download` library: * Added a missing call to :c:func:`dfu_target_done` if :c:func:`dfu_target_write` fails. * Added the error cause information to the :c:enumerator:`FOTA_DOWNLOAD_EVT_ERROR` event. * :ref:`lte_lc_readme` library: * Updated to parse PSM configuration only when the device is registered to a network. This will help avoid confusing error messages. * Added API for setting eDRX Paging Time Window (PTW). * Added support for Release Assistance Indication (RAI). * Added :c:func:`lte_lc_deinit()` function to the API. This function deinitializes the LTE LC module. * Reworked system mode handling as follows: * The preferred mode and optionally the fallback mode are now set through Kconfig. * The current mode is the mode read from the device and is changed using :c:func:`lte_lc_system_mode_set()`. * The target mode is the mode that is used when connecting to LTE network, that is when :c:func:`lte_lc_connect()` or :c:func:`lte_lc_connect_async()` is called. The network is initialized with the configurable (and preferred) system mode. The mode is changed when :c:func:`lte_lc_system_mode_set()` is called or when connection establishment using preferred mode is unsuccessful and times out. * :ref:`liblwm2m_carrier_readme` library: * Added the snapshot of the release version 0.10.0. See the :ref:`liblwm2m_carrier_changelog` for detailed information. * :ref:`supl_client` library and :ref:`agps_sample` sample: * Renamed the sample from nRF Connect for Cloud A-GPS. * Added a common A-GPS interface for SUPL and nRF Connect for Cloud A-GPS service. * Added sending of service information after a successful connection to `nRF Connect for Cloud`_ has been made. * nRF9160: Asset Tracker application: * Added handling of sensor channel ``get`` commands received from `nRF Connect for Cloud`_. * Added event handler for :ref:`lte_lc_readme` events. * Added the detection feature when there is no SIM card in the slot. * Added support for Bosch BSEC library (see :ref:`zephyr:bme680`). This breaks compatibility with older versions of the library. * Added a timestamp for sensor or cloud data, or both. * Added the ``CONFIG_UI_LED_PWM_FREQUENCY`` Kconfig option for setting the LED PWM frequency. * :ref:`gps_with_supl_support_sample` sample: * Updated the sample to allow disabling the **COEX0** pin when using the external antenna to lower noise from the LNA. * Updated the frequency range of the external GPS amplifier. * Added an option to give GPS prioritized radio access. * Added functionality that increases the GPS priority when GPS is blocked for more than a configurable amount of time. * :ref:`lwm2m_client` sample: * Fixed an invalid Kconfig option (``CONFIG_FOTA_ERASE_PROGRESSIVELY``) that prevented progressive erase during FOTA. * Added :file:`overlay-nbiot.conf` with fine-tuned CoAP/LwM2M parameters for NB-IoT networks. * Fixed a bug where a FOTA socket was not closed after the download (PULL mode). * Added bootstrap procedure support to the sample. * Enabled the usage of the :ref:`lib_dfu_target` library for firmware updates, which allows to update both the application and the modem firmware. * :ref:`serial_lte_modem` application: * Added support for the MQTT username and password. * Added reading of status of TCP proxy server/client when it is not started or connected yet. * Added support for partial reception of RX data (in TCP/IP proxy). * Added AT command ``#XSLMUART`` to change the UART baud rate. * Added data mode support for TCP/UDP proxy client/server. * Added support for the HTTP client service. * Added FOTA support. * Added TLS server support. * :ref:`mqtt_simple_sample` sample: * Added TLS support to the sample. * :ref:`lib_nrf_cloud` library: * Added saving of a valid session flag to settings after all subscriptions have completed, so that the persistent session is only used when the flag is valid. * Replaced ``CONFIG_CLOUD_PERSISTENT_SESSIONS`` usage with Zephyr's :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MQTT_CLEAN_SESSION`. * Made the MQTT client ID prefix configurable. * Added an option to set send time-out for the socket used by nRF Cloud library (:kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NRF_CLOUD_SEND_TIMEOUT`). nRF5 ==== The following changes are relevant for the nRF52 and nRF53 Series. nRF5340 SoC ----------- * Added: * :ref:`nc_bootloader` sample - This sample implements an immutable first stage bootloader that has the capability to update the application firmware on the network core of the nRF5340 System on Chip (SoC). * :ref:`nrf_rpc_entropy_nrf53` sample - This sample demonstrates how to use the entropy driver in a dual core device such as nRF5340 PDK. * :ref:`nrfxlib:nrf_rpc` - This standalone library enables inter-processor communication on Nordic Semiconductor devices. * Zephyr's :ref:`zephyr:smp_svr_sample` now works on nRF5340 PDK. Bluetooth Low Energy -------------------- * Added: * :ref:`bms_readme` - This module implements the Bond Management Service with the corresponding set of characteristics. * :ref:`peripheral_bms` sample - This sample demonstrates how to use the GATT Bond Management Service (BMS). * :ref:`direct_test_mode` sample - This sample demonstrates the Direct Test Mode functions described in Bluetooth Core Specification, Version 5.2, Vol. 6, Part F. * Alexa Gadgets Service * Bluetooth: Peripheral Alexa Gadgets sample - This sample demonstrates how a Bluetooth LE device can connect to an Amazon Echo device using the Alexa Gadgets Bluetooth Service and Profile. * :ref:`bluetooth_central_hr_coded` sample (external contribution) - This sample demonstrates how to create a connection as a central using LE Coded PHY. * :ref:`peripheral_hr_coded` sample (external contribution) - This sample demonstrates how to use the extended advertising API to create a connectable advertiser on LE Coded PHY. * Updated: * Changed default security settings in :ref:`peripheral_hids_keyboard` and :ref:`peripheral_hids_mouse` samples. These samples now require encryption for accessing characteristics. * Added connection attempts filter to :ref:`nrf_bt_scan_readme` library. The filter can be used for blocking peers that disconnected too many times. * Changed the naming conventions of Bluetooth services API by removing the ``_gatt_`` and ``_c_`` infixes and using profile names where applicable. SoftDevice Controller (renamed from nRF Bluetooth LE Controller) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See the :ref:`nrfxlib:softdevice_controller_changelog` for detailed information. * Renamed nRF Bluetooth LE Controller to SoftDevice Controller. API was updated accordingly. * The standalone SoftDevice Controller library is now the default Bluetooth LE Controller for :ref:`ble_samples` except the Bluetooth Mesh samples. * Implemented the remaining mandatory HCI commands to make the controller conformant to HCI standards. * Reduced the image size when linking the final binary. Now, only the requested features are included. See :c:func:`sdc_support_adv()` and similar APIs for details. nRF Desktop ----------- * Added support for :ref:`MCUboot ` that allows to use the following features: * :ref:`Serial recovery DFU though USB ` * :ref:`Background DFU ` through :ref:`nrf_desktop_smp` * Background DFU with secondary slot on the :ref:`external flash ` * Dongle updates: * Added support for connecting to multiple devices of the same type. * Added a configuration where the nRF52840 Dongle stores 6 bonds and allows up to 4 simultaneous connections. * Added support for one HID-class USB device instance per bonded peripheral device. The host can distinguish a source of a HID report. * Reworked the :ref:`nrf_desktop_config_channel` module and updated the protocol: * Added device identification with HW ID. * Improved flow control for faster data transmission. * Added USB wake-up support in the :ref:`nrf_desktop_usb_state`. * Added :ref:`nrf_desktop_qos` that works on a peripheral device. This module provides information about Bluetooth LE channel quality on peripherals. * Bugfixes: * [DESK-1087] Fixed invalid peer counting in :ref:`nrf_desktop_led_state`. * [DESK-1084] Fixed reset handling in :ref:`nrf_desktop_usb_state` when in standby. * [DESK-1072] Fixed a bug where reports were not working on USB mouse after host reboot. * [DESK-1067] Fixed a bug where triggering erase advertising when mouse was sleeping would cause a module error. * [DESK-1014] Fixed a bug where a device would not go to idle if there was nothing to schedule. * [DESK-1011] Fixed an unhandled USB event. * [DESK-1008] Fixed a non-compliant report descriptor on dongle. * [DESK-974] Fixed a bug where boot reports were not sent. * [DESK-973] Fixed a bug where Dongle - Keyboard connection would deteriorate badly with :ref:`split Link Layer `. * [DESK-971] Fixed a bug where user was unable to bond keyboard with a macOS host again. * [DESK-969] Fixed a bug where the bond switching in Gaming Mouse would stop working. * [DESK-967] Fixed a bug where :ref:`nrf_desktop_config_channel` module would impact the report rate as it should use write without response for sending data to peripheral. * [DESK-965] Fixed a bug where direct advertising to non-Zephyr centrals would not work. Bluetooth Mesh -------------- * Added: * :ref:`bluetooth_mesh_light_lc` sample - This sample demonstrates how to set up a light control Mesh server model application and control a dimmable LED with the Bluetooth Mesh, using the Generic OnOff models. * :ref:`bluetooth_mesh_sensor_client` - This sample demonstrates how to set up a basic Bluetooth Mesh sensor client model application that gets sensor data from one sensor server model. * :ref:`bluetooth_mesh_sensor_server` - This sample demonstrates how to set up a basic Mesh sensor server model application that provides sensor data to one Mesh sensor client model. * :ref:`bt_mesh_time_readme` - These models allow network-wide time and date synchronization. * :ref:`bt_mesh_light_ctl_readme` - These models allow remote control and configuration of CTLs on a mesh device. * :ref:`bt_mesh_scene_readme` - These models allow storing the model state of the entire mesh network as a *scene*, which can be recalled at a later time. * Added support for Mesh Device Properties v2.0. * Added :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_TINYCRYPT_ECC` option in :file:`prj.conf` files for samples that support nRF5340 (:ref:`bluetooth_mesh_light` or :ref:`bluetooth_mesh_light_switch`). * Updated: * Changed :ref:`bt_mesh_light_ctrl_readme`, so that the light control regulator now uses floating point. * Removed the necessity of setting several Kconfig options when using nRF5340 PDK with :ref:`bluetooth_mesh_light` or :ref:`bluetooth_mesh_light_switch`. * Fixed several bugs and improved documentation. nRF IEEE 802.15.4 radio driver ------------------------------ * Added support for multiprotocol with :ref:`nrfxlib:softdevice_controller`. Thread ------ * Added: * Production support for nRF52833 and nRF52840 DKs. * Dynamic multiprotocol support with Bluetooth LE. * Support for :ref:`thread_architectures_designs_cp_ncp` architecture. * Support for Vendor hooks. * :ref:`ot_coprocessor_sample` sample - This sample demonstrates the usage of OpenThread Network Co-Processor architecture inside the Zephyr environment. It has the following characteristics: * Extendable with vendor hooks * Hardware cryptography acceleration support * Support for :ref:`Spinel logging ` as a default logger backend * UART hardware flow control (HWFC) enabled by default * Initial support for :ref:`Thread 1.2 functionalities ` related to SED implementation and reduction of power consumption. * Enabled Thread v1.1 certification by inheritance. For more information about certification, see :ref:`ug_thread_cert`. * Updated: * :ref:`ot_cli_sample` sample: * Switched to RNG peripheral as an entropy source. * Added support for :ref:`Thread Certification Test Harness `. * Added hardware cryptography acceleration support. * Enabled UART HWFC by default. * Added an overlay for Thread v1.2 support. * :ref:`coap_client_sample` sample: * Switched to RNG peripheral as an entropy source. * Optimized power in SED mode. * Added hardware cryptography acceleration support. * Added :ref:`multiprotocol support `. * Enabled UART HWFC by default. * :ref:`coap_server_sample` sample: * Switched to RNG peripheral as an entropy source. * Added hardware cryptography acceleration support. * Enabled UART HWFC by default. Zigbee ------ * Added: * :ref:`lib_zigbee_fota` (DFU) support for nRF52840. * Support for Command Line Interface (:ref:`lib_zigbee_shell`). This is a port from the nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee. * Support for :ref:`Network Co-Processor (NCP) architecture `. The NCP host package for Zigbee can be downloaded from https://developer.nordicsemi.com/ * Updated: * :ref:`zigbee_light_switch_sample` sample with :ref:`multiprotocol extension ` based on Bluetooth LE :ref:`nus_service_readme`. * Updated :ref:`zboss` to version ``v3_3_0_5+10_06_2020``. See :ref:`nrfxlib:zboss_changelog` for detailed information. Common ====== The following changes are relevant for all device families. Crypto ------ * Added: * nRF Oberon v3.0.7. See the :ref:`nrfxlib:crypto_changelog_oberon` for detailed information. * nrf_cc3xx_platform v0.9.4, with the following highlights: * Renamed include files from :file:`nrf_cc310_platform_xxxx.h` to :file:`nrf_cc3xx_platform_xxxx.h`. * Added experimental support for Arm CryptoCell CC312 available on nRF5340 devices. * Added APIs to store cryptographic keys in the KMU hardware peripheral available on nRF9160 and nRF5340 devices. For details, see :file:`crypto/nrf_cc310_platform/include/nrf_cc3xx_platform_kmu.h` in `sdk-nrfxlib`_. * Added APIs to generate CSPRNG. For details, see :file:`crypto/nrf_cc310_platform/include/nrf_cc3xx_platform_ctr_drbg.h` in `sdk-nrfxlib`_. See the :ref:`crypto_changelog_nrf_cc3xx_platform` for detailed information. * nrf_cc3xx_mbedcrypto version v0.9.4, with the following highlights: * Added experimental support for Arm CryptoCell CC312 available on nRF5340 devices. * Added APIs to derive cryptographic key material from KDR on nRF52840 and nRF9160 devices. For details, see :file:`crypto/nrf_cc310_mbedcrypto/include/mbedtls/cc3xx_kmu.h` in `sdk-nrfxlib`_. * Added APIs to use keys stored in KMU on nRF9160 and nRF5340 devices. For details, see :file:`crypto/nrf_cc310_mbedcrypto/include/mbedtls/cc3xx_kmu.h` in `sdk-nrfxlib`_. See the :ref:`crypto_changelog_nrf_cc3xx_mbedcrypto` for detailed information. * RNG support in nRF5340 application core (using Secure Partition Manager's :ref:`lib_secure_services` and nrf_cc312_platform library). * Updated: * Renamed all APIs with ``cc310`` in the name to ``cc3xx`` because of added support for CC312. This change also affects :ref:`nrfxlib:nrf_security`'s Kconfig options, where ``_CC310_`` was replaced with ``_CC3XX_`` in option names. The ``nrf_cc310_bl`` still uses the ``cc310`` naming scheme. * Updated :ref:`nrfxlib:nrf_security` to use mbedTLS v2.23.0. * Disabled the CMAC glue layer, as it was causing issues. Now CMAC is provided by a single selected backend (through Kconfig). Date-Time --------- * Added: * Functions to clear current time: :c:func:`date_time_clear` and :c:func:`date_time_timestamp_clear`. * Updated: * :c:func:`date_time_set` now returns an error code. * ``date_time_update()`` is now :c:func:`date_time_update_async` and returns an error code. Drivers ------- * Added: * :ref:`uart_nrf_sw_lpuart` - This driver implements the standard asynchronous UART API. The following samples related to this driver were also added: * :ref:`lpuart_sample` - This sample demonstrates the capabilities of the low power UART driver module. * :ref:`bluetooth-hci-lpuart-sample` - This sample demonstrates using the low power UART driver for HCI UART communication. NFC --- * Added: * :ref:`nfc_tnep_ch_readme` service - This library handles the exchange of Connection Handover Messages between an NFC Forum Tag and an NFC Forum Poller device. * :ref:`central_nfc_pairing` sample - This sample demonstrates Bluetooth LE out-of-band pairing using an NFC Reader ST25R3911B and the NFC TNEP protocol. * :ref:`peripheral_nfc_pairing` sample - This sample demonstrates Bluetooth LE out-of-band pairing using an NFC tag and the NFC TNEP protocol. * Updated NFC samples to support non-secure domain builds for nRF5340. nrfx ---- See the `Changelog for nrfx 2.3.0`_ for detailed information. MCUboot ======= * Updated MCUboot to facilitate using it as the second stage bootloader: * Added minimal configuration overlay file for MCUboot that makes it fit within 16 kB when MCUboot is used as the second stage bootloader. Updated :ref:`documentation ` with specific instructions on how and when to use this configuration. sdk-mcuboot ----------- The `sdk-mcuboot`_ fork in |NCS| contains all commits from the upstream MCUboot repository up to and including ``5a6e18148d``, plus some |NCS| specific additions. The following list summarizes the most important changes inherited from upstream MCUboot: * Fixed an issue where after erasing an image, an image trailer might be left behind. * Added a ``CONFIG_BOOT_INTR_VEC_RELOC`` option to relocate interrupts to application. * Fixed single image compilation with serial recovery. * Added support for single-image applications (see ``CONFIG_SINGLE_IMAGE_DFU``). * Added a ``CONFIG_BOOT_SIGNATURE_TYPE_NONE`` option to disable the cryptographic check of the image. * Reduced the minimum number of members in SMP packet for serial recovery. * Introduced direct execute-in-place (XIP) mode (see ``CONFIG_BOOT_DIRECT_XIP``). * Fixed kramdown CVE-2020-14001. * Modified the build system to let the application use a private key that is located in the user project configuration directory. * Added support for nRF52840 with ECC keys and CryptoCell. * Allowed to set VTOR to a relay vector before chain-loading the application. * Allowed using a larger primary slot in swap-move. Before, both slots had to be the same size, which imposed an unused sector in the secondary slot. * Fixed bootstrapping in swap-move mode. * Fixed an issue that caused an interrupted swap-move operation to potentially brick the device if the primary image was padded. * Various fixes, enhancements, and changes needed to work with the latest Zephyr version. Build system ============ * Updated :ref:`partition_manager`: * Added RAM partitioning through the partition manager. * Added the ``ncs_add_partition_manager_config`` function that allows out-of-tree users to specify partition manager configuration files. * Added a warning if no static partition manager configuration is provided when one image (or more) is not built from source in a multi-image build. * Enabled choosing a build strategy for Zephyr's :ref:`zephyr:bluetooth-hci-rpmsg-sample` sample when it is built as a child image. See :ref:`ug_multi_image` for details. * Improved multi-core builds by disassociating domain names from board names. * Bugfixes: * Fixed a bug where :file:`merged_domains.hex` would be generated in single domain builds. * Fixed a bug where :file:`zephyr/merged.hex` would not be updated when rebuilding a project. Zephyr ====== sdk-zephyr ---------- .. NOTE TO MAINTAINERS: The latest Zephyr commit appears in multiple places; make sure you update them all. The `sdk-zephyr`_ fork in |NCS| contains all commits from the upstream Zephyr repository up to and including ``7a3b253ced``, plus some |NCS| specific additions. For a complete list of upstream Zephyr commits incorporated into |NCS| since the most recent release, run the following command from the :file:`ncs/zephyr` repository (after running ``west update``): .. code-block:: none git log --oneline 7a3b253ced ^v2.3.0-rc1-ncs1 For a complete list of |NCS| specific commits, run: .. code-block:: none git log --oneline manifest-rev ^7a3b253ced The current |NCS| release is based on Zephyr v2.4.0. See the :ref:`Zephyr v2.4.0 release notes ` for the list of changes. Additions specific to |NCS| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following list contains |NCS| specific additions: * Added support for the |NCS|'s :ref:`partition_manager`, which can be used for flash partitioning. * Added the following network socket and address extensions to the :ref:`zephyr:bsd_sockets_interface` interface to support the functionality provided by the BSD library: * AF_LTE * NPROTO_AT * NPROTO_PDN * NPROTO_DFU * SOCK_MGMT * SO_RCVTIMEO * SO_BINDTODEVICE * SOL_PDN * SOL_DFU * SO_PDN_CONTEXT_ID * SO_PDN_STATE * SOL_DFU * SO_DFU_ERROR * TLS_SESSION_CACHE * SO_SNDTIMEO * MSG_TRUNC * SO_SILENCE_ALL * SO_IP_ECHO_REPLY * SO_IPV6_ECHO_REPLY * Added support for enabling TLS caching when using the :ref:`zephyr:mqtt_socket_interface` library. See :c:macro:`TLS_SESSION_CACHE`. * Updated the nrf9160ns DTS to support accessing the CryptoCell CC310 hardware from non-secure code. Documentation ============= In addition to documentation related to the changes listed above, the following documentation has been updated: * :ref:`Documentation versions ` - you can now switch between different versions of the documentation by selecting the version in the upper left-hand corner * :ref:`gs_recommended_versions` - added * :ref:`known_issues` - added * :ref:`sample` - updated to include configuration information and to clarify the instructions for using the template * :ref:`lib_bluetooth_services` - renamed several :file:`.rst` files for Bluetooth services * :ref:`gs_testing` - updated with information about :ref:`testing_rtt` * :ref:`ble_samples` and :ref:`app_event_manager_sample` sample - removed the outdated nRF51 DK entry from Requirements nRF9160 ------- * :ref:`ug_nrf9160` - updated the :ref:`nrf9160_ug_band_lock` section; also updated with information about certification of different modem firmware versions and added a link to nRF9160 compatibility matrix * :ref:`serial_lte_modem` - updated and extended with testing instructions and AT command reference * :ref:`lte_sensor_gateway` - updated with information about how to use low power UART for communicating with the controller * nRF9160: Asset Tracker - added a note about external antenna performance and updated the dependencies section with the listing of modules abstracted using LwM2M carrier OS abstraction layer * :ref:`lwm2m_client` - updated with sections about DTLS support and bootstrap support * :ref:`lwm2m_carrier` - updated the dependencies section with the listing of modules abstracted via LwM2M carrier OS abstraction layer * :ref:`mqtt_simple_sample` - updated with configuration and testing sections nRF5340 ------- * :ref:`subsys_pcd` library - added to the DFU library to provide functionality for transferring DFU images from the application core to the network core on the nRF5340 SoC * :ref:`ug_nrf5340` - updated with information about network core (FOTA) upgrades for nRF5340 SoC nRF Desktop ----------- * :ref:`nrf_desktop_nrf_profiler_sync` - updated configuration and implementation details * :ref:`nrf_desktop_cpu_meas` - updated configuration and implementation details * :ref:`nrf_desktop_smp` - updated configuration and implementation details * :ref:`nrf_desktop_config_channel` - updated transport configuration and listener configuration Bluetooth Mesh -------------- * :ref:`mesh_concepts` - added * :ref:`mesh_architecture` - added * :ref:`bt_mesh_dk_prov` - updated with clarifications about the UUID usage Thread ------ * :ref:`ug_thread` - updated by reorganizing structure and adding new pages * :ref:`ug_thread_configuring` - added as a separate page (was a section of :ref:`ug_thread`); updated with information about :ref:`Enabling OpenThread in nRF Connect SDK `, :ref:`ug_thread_configuring_crypto`, :ref:`thread_ug_thread_specification_options`, :ref:`thread_ug_feature_sets` * :ref:`ug_thread_intro` - added as a container for conceptual pages about OpenThread * :ref:`thread_ug_supported_features` - added as a separate page (was a section of :ref:`ug_thread`) * :ref:`ug_thread_architectures` - added * :ref:`openthread_stack_architecture` - removed as a separate page; now a section of :ref:`ug_thread_architectures` * :ref:`thread_ot_memory` - added * :ref:`thread_ot_commissioning` - updated to include content from :ref:`thread_ot_commissioning_configuring_on-mesh`, which also received updates and not includes information valid for both Thread CLI and NCP samples * :ref:`thread_ot_commissioning_configuring_on-mesh` - removed as a separate page; now a section of :ref:`thread_ot_commissioning` * :ref:`ug_thread_tools` - added as a separate page (was a section of :ref:`ug_thread`); updated the list of available tools and added more information about :ref:`ug_thread_tools_tbr` and `wpantund`_. Zigbee ------ * :ref:`lib_zigbee_signal_handler` - added * :ref:`zigbee_light_switch_sample` - added a note about :file:`overlay.conf` * :ref:`ug_zigbee` - updated by reorganizing structure and adding new pages * Zigbee overview - added as a separate page (was a section of :ref:`ug_zigbee`) * :ref:`ug_zigbee_architectures` - added * :ref:`ug_zigbee_configuring` - added as a separate page (was a section of :ref:`ug_zigbee`) * :ref:`ug_zigbee_configuring_libraries` - added * :ref:`ug_zigbee_tools` - added as a separate page (was a section of :ref:`ug_zigbee`) NFC --- * :ref:`lib_nfc_ndef` - updated and added the following subpages: * :ref:`nfc_ch` * :ref:`nfc_ndef_ch_rec_parser_readme` Libraries --------- * :ref:`lib_ram_pwrdn` - added * :ref:`shell_bt_nus_readme` - updated to show how to run the :file:`shell_bt_nus.py` script * :ref:`lib_eth_rtt` - added * :ref:`lib_aws_iot` - updated with additional information about enabling connection polling * :ref:`lib_download_client` - moved :ref:`cert_dwload` to :ref:`modem_key_mgmt` * :ref:`lib_nrf_cloud` - updated cloud API usage section * :ref:`lib_at_host` - added User guides ----------- * :ref:`ug_logging` - added * :ref:`ug_multiprotocol_support` - added nrfxlib ------- * :ref:`nrfxlib:nrf_security_readme` - updated :ref:`nrfxlib:nrf_security_backend_config` and modified structure extensively to improve maintainability (restructured with better sections and headings) * :ref:`nrfxlib:mpsl` - updated with :ref:`nrfxlib:mpsl_fem` Known issues ************ See `known issues for nRF Connect SDK v1.4.0`_ for the list of issues valid for this release.