.. _lib_secure_services: Secure Services ############### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Secure Services are functions implemented in the Secure Firmware (:ref:`secure_partition_manager`), but made available to be called from the Non-Secure Firmware. Calling functions in this API requires that the service is enabled in the :ref:`secure_partition_manager`. See :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SPM_SECURE_SERVICES` in the :ref:`secure_partition_manager`'s menuconfig. Some services are enabled by default. .. Remove parts with regards to debugging and programming when NRF91-313 is resolved By default :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SPM_BLOCK_NON_SECURE_RESET` is disabled. This is to make sure that your debugger will be able to issue a system reset during the development stage and that devices which do not have pin-reset routed can do a re-flashing routine correctly. This option should be turned off when you are putting a product into production to increase the security of your device. API documentation ***************** | Header file: :file:`include/secure_services.h` | Source file: :file:`subsys/spm/secure_services.c` (compiled into the :ref:`secure_partition_manager`) .. doxygengroup:: secure_services :project: nrf :members: