.. _asset_tracker_unit_test: Unit tests ########### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The internal modules of the :ref:`asset_tracker_v2` application have a set of unit tests in the :file:`asset_tracker_v2/tests` folder. Following are the modules that have unit tests: * :ref:`asset_tracker_v2_debug_module` - :file:`asset_tracker_v2/src/modules/debug_module.c` * :ref:`asset_tracker_v2_ui_module` - :file:`asset_tracker_v2/src/modules/ui_module.c` * :ref:`asset_tracker_v2_gnss_module` - :file:`asset_tracker_v2/src/modules/gnss_module.c` * JSON common library - :file:`asset_tracker_v2/src/cloud/cloud_codec/json_common.c` * LwM2M codec backend - :file:`asset_tracker_v2/src/cloud/cloud_codec/lwm2m/lwm2m_codec.c` * LwM2M integration layer - :file:`asset_tracker_v2/src/cloud/lwm2m_integration/lwm2m_integration.c` Running the unit test ********************* To run the unit test, you must navigate to the test directory of the respective internal module. For example, to run the unit test for :ref:`asset_tracker_v2_debug_module`, navigate to :file:`asset_tracker_v2/tests/debug_module`. The unit tests can be executed using West or Twister. Running unit tests using West ============================= Enter the following west commands to execute the tests on different board targets: * :ref:`zephyr:native_posix` board target: .. code-block:: console west build -b native_posix -t run * ``qemu_cortex_m3`` board target: .. code-block:: console west build -b qemu_cortex_m3 -t run Running unit tests using Twister ================================ Enter the following twister commands to execute the tests on different board targets: * On both :ref:`zephyr:native_posix` and ``qemu_cortex_m3`` board targets: .. code-block:: console twister -T . * ``qemu_cortex_m3`` board target: .. code-block:: console twister -T . -p qemu_cortex_m3 Running the unit tests on the nRF9160 DK ---------------------------------------- Enter the following command to execute the unit tests on nRF9160 DK: .. code-block:: console twister -T . -p nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns --device-testing --device-serial In this console snippet, ``serial port`` must be the port where you receive logs from the DK, normally the first port listed by ``nrfjprog --com``, for example ``/dev/ttyACM0``. The :file:`testcase.yaml` file for that unit test must have the entry ``platform_allow: nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns``. See :file:`nrf/applications/asset_tracker_v2/tests/gnss_module/testcase.yaml` for an example. Twister can also be used to see code coverage reports. For more information about Twister, see the :ref:`zephyr:twister_script` documentation. .. note:: The Twister commands only work on Linux operating system.