.. _lldp-sample: LLDP Sample Application ####################### Overview ******** The Link Layer Discovery Protocol sample application for Zephyr will enable LLDP support and setup VLANs if needed. The source code for this sample application can be found at: :zephyr_file:`samples/net/lldp`. Requirements ************ - :ref:`networking_with_host` Building and Running ******************** A good way to run this sample LLDP application is inside QEMU, as described in :ref:`networking_with_qemu` or with embedded device like FRDM-K64F. Note that LLDP is only supported for boards that have an ethernet port. Follow these steps to build the LLDP sample application: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/net/lldp :board: :conf: prj.conf :goals: build :compact: Setting up Linux Host ===================== If you need VLAN support in your network, then the :zephyr_file:`samples/net/vlan/vlan-setup-linux.sh` provides a script that can be executed on the Linux host. It creates two VLANs on the Linux host and creates routes to Zephyr.