:orphan: .. raw:: html .. dtcompatible:: nordic,nrf21540-fem .. _dtbinding_nordic_nrf21540_fem: nordic,nrf21540-fem ################### Vendor: :ref:`Nordic Semiconductor ` Description *********** .. code-block:: none This is a representation of the nRF21540 Radio Front-End module. See the "nordic,nrf21540-fem-spi" binding to configure the SPI interface. The SPI interface should be configured as a child node of the SPI bus you have connected to the FEM. Then you "connect" the FEM and SPI configurations using the spi-if property. Here is an example nRF21540 configuration with a SPI interface selected, using the SPIM0 peripheral found on several nRF5 SoCs: &spi0 { compatible = "nordic,nrf-spim"; status = "okay"; cs-gpios = <&gpio1 3 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; /* ... MISO/MOSI/SCK pin configuration goes here ... */ my_spi_if: nrf21540-spi@0 { compatible = "nordic,nrf21540-fem-spi"; reg = <0>; spi-max-frequency = <8000000>; }; }; nrf_radio_fem: nrf21540 { compatible = "nordic,nrf21540-fem"; tx-en-gpios = <&gpio0 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; rx-en-gpios = <&gpio0 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; spi-if = <&my_spi_if>; pdn-gpios = <...>; ant-sel-gpios = <...>; mode-gpios = <...>; /* ... other nRF21540 properties go here ... */ }; &radio { fem = <&nrf_radio_fem>; }; In the above example, the nRF21540 is configured for use with: - TX_EN on P0.2 (from 'tx-en-gpios') - RX_EN on P0.5 (from 'rx-en-gpios') - SPI communication via SPIM0 (the bus, or parent node, of the 'my_spi_if' node - CSN on P1.3 (from index 0 in the bus node's 'cs-gpios' property) You must perform any additional required SPI pin configuration (nRF21540 MISO, MOSI, and SCK pins) within the SPI bus node ('spi0' in the above example). See your SPI node's binding for details on these pin mux properties. You can use any SPI node available in your SoC's devicetree. Configure any other nRF21540 pins as needed using 'pdn-gpios', 'ant-sel-gpios', and 'mode-gpios' properties. If unsure about the format, use 'tx-en-gpios' as an example. Finally, the nRF5 SoC's radio peripheral is set up for use with the nRF21540 via the 'fem' property in the 'radio' node. Properties ********** .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Node specific properties Properties not inherited from the base binding file. .. list-table:: :widths: 1 1 4 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Details * - ``tx-en-gpios`` - ``phandle-array`` - .. code-block:: none GPIO of the SOC controlling TX_EN pin of the nRF21540 * - ``rx-en-gpios`` - ``phandle-array`` - .. code-block:: none GPIO of the SOC controlling RX_EN pin of the nRF21540 * - ``pdn-gpios`` - ``phandle-array`` - .. code-block:: none GPIO of the SOC controlling PDN pin of the nRF21540 * - ``ant-sel-gpios`` - ``phandle-array`` - .. code-block:: none GPIO of the SOC controlling ANT-SEL pin of the nRF21540 * - ``mode-gpios`` - ``phandle-array`` - .. code-block:: none GPIO of the SOC controlling MODE pin of the nRF21540 * - ``spi-if`` - ``phandle`` - .. code-block:: none Reference to the nordic,nrf21540-fem-spi SPI bus interface. This must be present to support SPI control of the FEM. * - ``tx-en-settle-time-us`` - ``int`` - .. code-block:: none Settling time in microseconds from state PG to TX. Default value is based on Table 6 of the nRF21540 Product Specification (v1.0), and can be overridden for tuned configurations. Default value: ``11`` * - ``rx-en-settle-time-us`` - ``int`` - .. code-block:: none Settling time in microseconds from state PG to RX. Default value is based on Table 6 of the nRF21540 Product Specification (v1.0), and can be overridden for tuned configurations. Default value: ``11`` * - ``pdn-settle-time-us`` - ``int`` - .. code-block:: none Settling time in microseconds from state PD to PG. Default value is based on Table 6 of the nRF21540 Product Specification (v1.0), and can be overridden for tuned configurations. Default value: ``18`` * - ``trx-hold-time-us`` - ``int`` - .. code-block:: none Power-off time in microseconds when changing from RX or TX to PG. Default value is based on Table 6 of the nRF21540 Product Specification (v1.0), and can be overridden for tuned configurations. Default value: ``3`` .. group-tab:: Deprecated node specific properties Deprecated properties not inherited from the base binding file. (None) .. group-tab:: Base properties Properties inherited from the base binding file, which defines common properties that may be set on many nodes. Not all of these may apply to the "nordic,nrf21540-fem" compatible. .. list-table:: :widths: 1 1 4 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Details * - ``status`` - ``string`` - .. code-block:: none indicates the operational status of a device Legal values: ``'ok'``, ``'okay'``, ``'disabled'``, ``'reserved'``, ``'fail'``, ``'fail-sss'`` See :ref:`dt-important-props` for more information. * - ``compatible`` - ``string-array`` - .. code-block:: none compatible strings This property is **required**. See :ref:`dt-important-props` for more information. * - ``reg`` - ``array`` - .. code-block:: none register space See :ref:`dt-important-props` for more information. * - ``reg-names`` - ``string-array`` - .. code-block:: none name of each register space * - ``interrupts`` - ``array`` - .. code-block:: none interrupts for device See :ref:`dt-important-props` for more information. * - ``interrupts-extended`` - ``compound`` - .. code-block:: none extended interrupt specifier for device * - ``interrupt-names`` - ``string-array`` - .. code-block:: none name of each interrupt * - ``interrupt-parent`` - ``phandle`` - .. code-block:: none phandle to interrupt controller node * - ``label`` - ``string`` - .. code-block:: none Human readable string describing the device (used as device_get_binding() argument) See :ref:`dt-important-props` for more information. * - ``clocks`` - ``phandle-array`` - .. code-block:: none Clock gate information * - ``clock-names`` - ``string-array`` - .. code-block:: none name of each clock * - ``#address-cells`` - ``int`` - .. code-block:: none number of address cells in reg property * - ``#size-cells`` - ``int`` - .. code-block:: none number of size cells in reg property * - ``dmas`` - ``phandle-array`` - .. code-block:: none DMA channels specifiers * - ``dma-names`` - ``string-array`` - .. code-block:: none Provided names of DMA channel specifiers * - ``io-channels`` - ``phandle-array`` - .. code-block:: none IO channels specifiers * - ``io-channel-names`` - ``string-array`` - .. code-block:: none Provided names of IO channel specifiers * - ``mboxes`` - ``phandle-array`` - .. code-block:: none mailbox / IPM channels specifiers * - ``mbox-names`` - ``string-array`` - .. code-block:: none Provided names of mailbox / IPM channel specifiers * - ``wakeup-source`` - ``boolean`` - .. code-block:: none Property to identify that a device can be used as wake up source. When this property is provided a specific flag is set into the device that tells the system that the device is capable of wake up the system. Wake up capable devices are disabled (interruptions will not wake up the system) by default but they can be enabled at runtime if necessary. * - ``power-domain`` - ``phandle`` - .. code-block:: none Power domain the device belongs to. The device will be notified when the power domain it belongs to is either suspended or resumed.