.. _hifive1: SiFive HiFive1 ############## Overview ******** The HiFive1 is an Arduino-compatible development board with an FE310 RISC-V SoC. More information can be found on `SiFive's website `_. .. image:: ../../../../../../../../../zephyr/boards/riscv/hifive1/doc/img/hifive1.jpg :width: 650px :align: center :alt: SiFive HiFive1 board Programming and debugging ************************* Building ======== Applications for the ``hifive1`` board configuration can be built as usual (see :ref:`build_an_application`) using the corresponding board name: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :board: hifive1 :goals: build Flashing ======== In order to upload the application to the device, you'll need OpenOCD with RISC-V support. Download the tarball for your OS from the `SiFive website `_ and extract it. The Zephyr SDK uses a bundled version of OpenOCD by default. You can overwrite that behavior by adding the ``-DOPENOCD=`` parameter when building: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :board: hifive1 :goals: build :gen-args: -DOPENOCD= When using a custom toolchain it should be enough to have the downloaded version of the binary in your ``PATH``. Now you can flash the application as usual (see :ref:`build_an_application` and :ref:`application_run` for more details): .. code-block:: console ninja flash Depending on your OS you might have to run the flash command as superuser. Debugging ========= Refer to the detailed overview about :ref:`application_debugging`.