.. _serpente: Arturo182 Serpente ################## Overview ******** The Serpente is a very small low-cost development and prototyping board equipped with 4MiB flash storage, a PWM enabled RGB led and 6 I/O pins. The board comes with 3 different USB connector options: USB Type-C plug, USB Type-C socket and USB Type-A plug. .. image:: ../../../../../../../../../zephyr/boards/arm/serpente/doc/img/serpente.jpg :width: 640px :align: center :alt: Serpente Boards Hardware ******** - ATSAMD21E18A ARM Cortex-M0+ processor at 48 MHz - 256 KiB flash memory and 32 KiB of RAM - Extra 4MiB SPI flash memory - RGB User LED - Reset button - Native USB port Supported Features ================== The Serpente board configuration supports the following hardware features: +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | Interface | Controller | Driver/Component | +===========+============+==========================================+ | NVIC | on-chip | nested vector interrupt controller | +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | Flash | on-chip | Can be used with LittleFS to store files | +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | SYSTICK | on-chip | systick | +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | WDT | on-chip | Watchdog | +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | GPIO | on-chip | I/O ports | +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | PWM | on-chip | Pulse Width Modulation | +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | USART | on-chip | Serial ports | +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | SPI | on-chip | Serial Peripheral Interface ports | +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ | USB | on-chip | USB device | +-----------+------------+------------------------------------------+ Other hardware features are not currently supported by Zephyr. The default configuration can be found in the Kconfig file :zephyr_file:`boards/arm/serpente/serpente_defconfig`. Connections and IOs =================== The `Serpente documentation`_ has detailed information about the board including `pinouts`_ and the `schematic`_. System Clock ============ The SAMD21 MCU is configured to use the 8MHz internal oscillator with the on-chip PLL generating the 48 MHz system clock. USB Device Port =============== The SAMD21 MCU has a USB device port that can be used to communicate with a host PC. See the :ref:`usb-samples` sample applications for more, such as the :ref:`usb_cdc-acm` sample which prints "Hello World!" to the host PC. Programming and Debugging ========================= The Serpente ships the BOSSA compatible UF2 bootloader. The bootloader can be entered by quickly tapping the reset button twice. Flashing ======== #. Build the Zephyr kernel and the :ref:`blinky-sample` sample application: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/basic/blinky :board: serpente :goals: build :compact: #. Connect the Serpente to your host computer using USB #. Tap the reset button twice quickly to enter bootloader mode #. Flash the image: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/basic/blinky :board: serpente :goals: flash :compact: You should see the User LED blink. References ********** .. target-notes:: .. _Serpente documentation: https://serpente.solder.party/r2/ .. _pinouts: https://serpente.solder.party/r2/docs/pinout/ .. _schematic: https://serpente.solder.party/r2/docs/downloads/