.. _nrf_cc310_platform_readme: .. _nrf_cc3xx_platform_readme: nrf_cc3xx_platform library ########################## .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The nrf_cc3xx_platform library is software library to interface with the Arm CryptoCell CC310/CC312 hardware accelerator that is available on the nRF52840 SoC and the nRF9160 SiP. The platform library provides low-level functionality needed by the CC310/CC312 mbedcrypto library. This includes memory, mutex, and entropy APIs needed for the CC310/CC312 mbedcrypto library. The library adds hardware support for the True Random Number Generator, TRNG, available in the CC310/CC312 hardware. API documentation ================= :ref:`crypto_api_nrf_cc3xx_platform`