.. _ug_edge_impulse: Using Edge Impulse with the |NCS| ################################# .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 `Edge Impulse`_ is a development platform that can be used to enable `embedded machine learning`_ on |NCS| devices. You can use this platform to collect data from sensors, train machine learning model, and then deploy it to your Nordic Semiconductor's device. Overview ******** Support for `Edge Impulse`_ in the |NCS| is centered around the :ref:`ei_wrapper`, which is used for integrating the Edge Impulse machine learning model into an |NCS| application. The usage of the wrapper is demonstrated by the :ref:`ei_wrapper_sample` sample, while the :ref:`nrf_machine_learning_app` application demonstrates the complete out of the box reference design. Before integrating the Edge Impulse machine learning model to an |NCS| application, you must prepare and deploy the machine learning model for your embedded device. This model is prepared using the `Edge Impulse studio`_ external web tool. It relies on sensor data that can be provided by different sources, for example data forwarder. Check the :ref:`ei_data_forwarder_sample` sample for a demonstration of how you can send sensor data to Edge Impulse studio using `Edge Impulse's data forwarder`_. .. _ug_edge_impulse_adding: Adding Edge Impulse model to the |NCS| ************************************** The machine learning model is distributed as a single :file:`zip` archive that includes C++ library sources. This file is used by the |NCS| build system to build the Edge Impulse library. See the following section for steps required to generate this archive and add it to the build system. .. _ug_edge_impulse_adding_preparing: Preparing the machine learning model ==================================== To prepare the machine learning model, use `Edge Impulse studio`_ and follow one of the tutorials described in `Edge Impulse getting started guide`_. For example, you can try the `Continuous motion recognition tutorial`_. This tutorial will guide you through the following steps: 1. Collecting data from sensors and uploading the data to Edge Impulse studio. .. note:: You can use one of the development boards supported directly by Edge Impulse or your mobile phone to collect the data. You can also modify the :ref:`ei_data_forwarder_sample` sample or :ref:`nrf_machine_learning_app` application and use it to forward data from a sensor that is connected to any board available in the |NCS|. #. Designing your machine learning model (an *impulse*). #. Deploying the machine learning model to use it on an embedded device. As part of this step, you must select the :guilabel:`C++ library` to generate the required :file:`zip` file that contains the source files for building the Edge Impulse library in |NCS|. Building the machine learning model in |NCS| ============================================ After preparing the :file:`zip` archive, you can use the |NCS| build system to build the C++ library with the machine learning model. Complete the following steps to configure the building process: 1. Make sure that the following Kconfig options are enabled: * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_CPLUSPLUS` * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_STD_CPP11` * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LIB_CPLUSPLUS` * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC` * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC_FLOAT_PRINTF` .. note:: The :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_FPU` Kconfig option is implied by default if floating point unit (FPU) is supported by the hardware. Using FPU speeds up calculations. #. Make sure that the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_FP16` Kconfig option is disabled. The Edge Impulse library is not compatible with half-precision floating point support introduced in Zephyr. #. Enable building the downloaded library by setting the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_EDGE_IMPULSE` Kconfig option. Setting this option also enables the :ref:`ei_wrapper`. #. Enable and specify the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) in the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_EDGE_IMPULSE_URI` Kconfig option. You can set it to one of the following values: * An absolute or relative path to a file in the local file system. For this variant, you must download the :file:`zip` file manually and place it under path defined by the Kconfig option. The relative path is tracked from the application source directory (``APPLICATION_SOURCE_DIR``). CMake variables that are part of the path are expanded. * Any downloadable URI supported by CMake's ``file(DOWNLOAD)`` command. For this variant, the |NCS| build system will download the :file:`zip` file automatically during build. The :file:`zip` file is downloaded into your application's :file:`build` directory. If the URI requires providing an additional API key in the HTTP header, you can provide it using the :c:macro:`EI_API_KEY_HEADER` CMake definition. The API key is provided using a format in which *key_name* is followed by *key_value*. For example, if the URI uses ``x-api_key`` for authentication, the :c:macro:`EI_API_KEY_HEADER` can be defined as follows: ``x-api-key:aaaabbbbccccdddd``. The ``aaaabbbbccccdddd`` is a sample *key_value*. See :ref:`cmake_options` for more information about defining CMake options for command line builds and the |nRFVSC|. See `Downloading model directly from Edge Impulse studio`_ for details about downloading model directly from the Edge Impulse studio. Downloading model directly from Edge Impulse studio --------------------------------------------------- As an example of downloadable URI, you can configure the |NCS| build system to download your model directly from the Edge Impulse studio. You can download a model from either a private or a public project. Downloading from a private project ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Complete the following steps to download the model from a private Edge Impulse project: 1. Set :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_EDGE_IMPULSE_URI` to the URI from Edge Impulse studio: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight CONFIG_EDGE_IMPULSE_URI="https:\ //studio.edgeimpulse.com/v1/api/*XYZ*/deployment/download?type=zip" Set *XYZ* to the project ID of your Edge Impulse project. You can check the project ID of your project in the **Project info** panel under :guilabel:`Dashboard`. .. figure:: ../../../nrf/images/ei_project_id.png :scale: 50 % :alt: Project ID in Edge Impulse studio dashboard Project ID in Edge Impulse studio dashboard #. Define the :c:macro:`EI_API_KEY_HEADER` CMake option (see :ref:`cmake_options`) as ``x-api-key:[ei api key]`` to provide the x-api-key associated with your Edge Impulse project. To check what to provide as the *[ei api key]* value, check your API keys under the :guilabel:`Keys` tab in the Edge Impulse project dashboard. .. figure:: ../../../nrf/images/ei_api_key.png :scale: 50 % :alt: API key under the Keys tab in Edge Impulse studio API key under the Keys tab in Edge Impulse studio Downloading from a public project +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Complete the following steps to download the model from a public Edge Impulse project: 1. Check the ID of the public project: a. Check the project ID of your project in the **Project info** panel under :guilabel:`Dashboard`. #. Provide this project ID in the *XYZ* field in the following URL: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight https:\ //studio.edgeimpulse.com/v1/api/*XYZ*/versions/public #. Paste the URL into your browser. The ID of the public project is returned as the value of the ``publicProjectId`` field. For example: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight {"success":true,"versions":[{"version":1,"publicProjectId":66469,"publicProjectUrl":"https://studio.edgeimpulse.com/public/66468/latest"}]} In this example, the *XYZ* project ID is ``66468``, while the ``publicProjectId`` equals ``66469``. #. Set :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_EDGE_IMPULSE_URI` to the following URI from Edge Impulse studio: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight CONFIG_EDGE_IMPULSE_URI="https:\ //studio.edgeimpulse.com/v1/api/*XYZ*/deployment/download?type=zip&modelType=int8" Set the *XYZ* to the public project ID from previous step. Using the example above, this would be ``66469``. .. note:: This URI includes the ``modelType=int8`` parameter because from public Edge Impulse projects you can only download quantized models created with Edge Impulse's EON Compiler.