.. _nrf5340_empty_app_core: nRF5340: Empty firmware for application core ############################################ .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 You can use this sample to run an application on the network core of the nRF5340 when there is no need for the working application core. Requirements ************ The sample supports the following development kit: .. table-from-sample-yaml:: Overview ******** The sample has a minimal Zephyr configuration: no multithreading, no clock, no MPU, no device drivers. It does the following: * During system initialization: * It allows the network core to access GPIO pins for LEDs and buttons. If more pins are required, you can add them to the :c:func:`network_gpio_allow` function. * It starts the network core. This is not done directly in the source code of the sample, but internally by Zephyr. * In the :c:func:`main` function of the sample: * The application RAM is powered off to reduce power consumption. * The application core is suspended indefinitely. Building and running ******************** .. |sample path| replace:: :file:`samples/nrf5340/empty_app_core` .. include:: /includes/build_and_run.txt Testing ======= To test the sample, complete the following steps: 1. Program the sample to the application core. #. Program Zephyr's :ref:`zephyr:blinky-sample` sample to the network core. #. Observe the LEDs on the kit. Dependencies ************ This sample has the following `nrfx`_ dependencies: * ``nrfx/nrf.h`` * ``nrfx/nrfx.h`` In addition, it uses the following Zephyr libraries: * :ref:`zephyr:kernel_api`: * ``include/init.h``