.. _bt_mesh_prop_cli_readme: Generic Property Client ####################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The Generic Property Client model can access properties from a :ref:`Property Server ` remotely. The Property Client can talk directly to all types of Property Servers, but only if it shares an application key with the target server. Generally, the Property Client should only target User Property Servers, unless it is part of a network administrator node that is responsible for configuring the other mesh nodes. To ease the configuration, the Property Client can be paired with a Client Property Server that lists which properties this Property Client will request. Extended models *************** None. Shell commands ************** The Bluetooth mesh shell subsystem provides a set of commands to interact with the Generic Property Client model instantiated on a device. To make these commands available, enable the following Kconfig options: * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_MESH_SHELL` * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_MESH_SHELL_PROP_CLI` mdl_prop instance get-all Print all instances of the Generic Property Client model on the device. mdl_prop instance set Select the Generic Property Client model instantiated on the specified element ID. This instance will be used in message sending. If no model instance is selected, the first model instance found on the device will be used by default. * ``elem_idx`` - Element index where the model instance is found. mdl_prop cli-props-get Get the list of Generic Client Properties of the bound server. * ``id`` - A starting Client Property ID present within an element. mdl_prop props-get Get the list of properties of the bound server. * ``kind`` - Kind of Property Server to query. Allowed values: * ``0`` - Manufacturer Property Server. * ``1`` - Admin Property Server. * ``2`` - User Property Server. mdl_prop prop-get Get the value of a property of a server. * ``kind`` - Kind of Property Server to query. Allowed values: * ``0`` - Manufacturer Property Server. * ``1`` - Admin Property Server. * ``2`` - User Property Server. * ``3`` - Client Property Server. * ``id`` - ID of the property. mdl_prop user-prop-set Set a property value of the User Property Server and wait for response. * ``id`` - Property ID. * ``hex_str_val`` - Property value. mdl_prop user-prop-set-unack Set a property value of the User Property Server without requesting a response. * ``id`` - Property ID. * ``hex_str_val`` - Property value. mdl_prop admin-prop-set Set a property value of the Admin Property Server and wait for response. * ``id`` - Property ID. * ``access`` - User access flags for the property. Allowed values: * ``0`` - Access to the property is prohibited. * ``1`` - Property may be read. * ``2`` - Property may be written. * ``3`` - Property may be read or written. * ``hex_str_val`` - Property value. mdl_prop admin-prop-set-unack Set a property value of the Admin Property Server without requesting a response. * ``id`` - Property ID. * ``access`` - User access flags for the property. Allowed values: * ``0`` - Access to the property is prohibited. * ``1`` - Property may be read. * ``2`` - Property may be written. * ``3`` - Property may be read or written. * ``hex_str_val`` - Property value. mdl_prop mfr-prop-set Set the user access of a property of the Manufacturer Property Server and wait for response. * ``id`` - Property ID. * ``access`` - User access flags for the property. Allowed values: * ``0`` - Access to the property is prohibited. * ``1`` - Property may be read. * ``2`` - Property may be written. * ``3`` - Property may be read or written. mdl_prop mfr-prop-set-unack Set the user access of a property of the Manufacturer Property Server without requesting a response. * ``id`` - Property ID. * ``access`` - User access flags for the property. Allowed values: * ``0`` - Access to the property is prohibited. * ``1`` - Property may be read. * ``2`` - Property may be written. * ``3`` - Property may be read or written. API documentation ***************** | Header file: :file:`include/bluetooth/mesh/gen_prop_cli.h` | Source file: :file:`subsys/bluetooth/mesh/gen_prop_cli.c` .. doxygengroup:: bt_mesh_prop_cli :project: nrf :members: