.. _nrf_desktop_ble_state: Bluetooth LE state module ######################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 In nRF Desktop, the Bluetooth® LE state module is responsible for the following actions: * Enabling Bluetooth (:c:func:`bt_enable`). * Handling Zephyr connection callbacks (:c:struct:`bt_conn_cb`). * Propagating information about the connection state and parameters by using :ref:`app_event_manager` events. Module events ************* .. include:: ../../../../../../../applications/nrf_desktop/doc/event_propagation.rst :start-after: table_ble_state_start :end-before: table_ble_state_end .. note:: |nrf_desktop_module_event_note| Implementation details ********************** nRF Desktop uses the Bluetooth LE state module from :ref:`lib_caf` (CAF). See the :ref:`CAF Bluetooth LE state ` page for implementation details. The Bluetooth LE state module handles, among others, Zephyr's connection parameters update request callback. The module rejects a connection parameters update request and submits the :c:struct:`ble_peer_conn_params_event` event. The event is handled by the :ref:`nrf_desktop_ble_conn_params`, which updates the connection parameters. For more information about Bluetooth configuration in nRF Desktop, see :ref:`nrf_desktop_bluetooth_guide`.